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CRZ's Massacre Recap
March 29, 2001

By Christopher Robin Zimmerman

TONIGHT: The BOW Bloody Title Tournament will take place, Cain defends against Brimstone!!!


Opening Credits play.

Fireworks go off as Massacre is on the air. Before anything happens, we start the night off with a MATCH!!

MATT MORGAN & ICEBERG vs JOSH STORM & "I am not the Rock" FLEX KAVANA - Morgan and Storm start off the match. Both men circle around the ring closing in on each other and lock up. Armbar by Storm. Storm wrenches it in and Morgan counters with an armbar of his own. Both break up and Storm hits a chop. Morgan returns the favor with a chop of his own. Chopfest ensues with Morgan gaining the advantage. Punch, kick, whip off the ropes and a standing dropkick onto Storm. Storm rolls out and starts walking up the entrence way. Morgan runs in and clotheslines Storm from behind. Morgan rolls Storm in and as he rolls in gets stomped in the head by Storm. Storm with a firemans carry takeover and now he goes to a side headlock. Flex wants to be tagged in but Storm has none of it. Morgan counters the headlock with a drop toehold and now Morgan tags in Iceberg. Iceberg stomps away on Storm and whips him into the ropes. Iceberg ducks and Storm hits a floatover DDT. Storm still won't make the tag as he smiles at Kavana. Storm hits an armdrag and a standing legdrop onto Iceberg for a 2 count. Butterfly backbreaker for another 2 count on Iceberg. Iceberg gets up. Double standing swich go behind gets met with Iceberg giving Storm a German suplex. Both men are down as the ref starts the count. Iceberg tags Morgan in and now he goes to work on Storm. Right, right, off the ropes with a backbody drop. Flex has enough of it and as Storm staggers to the corner tags HIMSELF in. Flex is in now as he jumps onto Morgan and goes to work. Chop, chop, chop, kick, punch, off the ropes. Morgan ducks a clothesline but Flex nails him with a Samoan Drop. Flex covers for a 2. Flex hits a standing dropkick for another 2. Flex points over to Storm as he goes for a DDT but Morgan counters with a Northern Lights suplex for a 2 count. Morgan tags Iceberg in. Double team ensues. Flex gets whipped off the ropes. Double drop toehold into a DOUBLE single leg Boston Crab(!). Storm comes in and superkicks Morgan. Iceberg breaks the hold and hits a clothesline onto Storm. Flex gets up himself and gives Iceberg a mafia kick almost taking his head off. Flex covers Iceberg for a 2 before Morgan breaks up the cover. Morgan clotheslines Storm out of the ring as Iceberg gets back up and bulldogs Flex. Iceberg and Morgan set Flex up for the....TOTAL ELIMINATION?? Why yes, they are in fact doing so. They go for it and Flex BACKFLIPS out of the attempt!! That looked awesome. Iceberg though, immediately double ax handles Flex. Iceberg and Morgan whip Flex off the ropes. Flex ducks the double clothesline. Flex off the other side. Storm, while on the outside, trips up Morgan and holds onto him!! Iceberg ducks and Flex hits a leaping DDT and covers. 1, 2, 3...Flex and Storm move on in the tournament. (9:28 pinfall - ***1/2)

Lars is in the back talking things over with his associates. Commercial break.

NUMBER EIGHT & CHRISTIAN YORK(with Snickers and Squaresoft Presents the Bouncer) vs CAIN HUNT & SHOTGUN - Number 8 and York argue on who should start the match and the same goes for Cain and Shotgun. After a little discussion, Number 8 and Shotgun finally start off the match. Both make circles around each other. Number 8 goes in and....the FINGERPOKE OF DOOM!!! Holy crap, Cain rushes in but Christian clotheslines him. 1, 2, 3, Number 8 and York move on in the tournament. Number 8 and Shotgun go about their way as Christian does the same. All three men give Cain a nice hardy "fuck you" as they make their way backstage. Not much of a match at all but served its purpose(0:38 pinfall - DUD)

Commercial break.

Cain is in the back tossing food around while thinking up a plan.

NUMERO 8 & CHRISTIAN YORK vs JOSH STORM & FLEX KAVANA - Flex and Number 8 start off the match. Both tie up and Number 8 gives Flex a gouge to the eyes. Elbow to the back of the head. Kick, punch, whip off the ropes and an armdrag. Flex gets met with a hip toss and Number 8 gives him a clothesline over the top. Flex gets back in the ring and Number 8 starts the beatdown again. Flex rolls to the corner and tags in Storm. Storm wants Christian in a bad way. Number 8 tags in York. Storm and York lock up. Storm with a headlock into an armbar. Storm tries to whip York over but York frontflips and counters the armbar into a Northern Lights Suplex. York goes to work. Chop, chop, standing dropkick. Christian goes in but Storm trips him over and attempts an STF. Christian tries to counter to a Crippler Crossface but Storm counters that attempt going for a Rings of Saturn. Christian counters THAT attempt into a Crab 2.0(!). Storm rolls the Crab over into an anklelock(!). Christian counters THAT into a La Majistral Cradle for a 2 count. Awesome, awesome sequence right there. Christian tags in Number 8 and now Number 8 proceeds in tearing Storm a new asshole. BIG chop, kick, punch, chop, chop. Off the ropes, Storm ducks the clothesline and goes for a german suplex. Number 8 counters with a go behind and hits a WICKED half nelson suplex. Flex comes in and beats on Number 8. York comes in and clotheslines Flex over the top rope while flipping over WITH him in the process. York and Flex brawl on the outside as Number 8 signals for the (?). Well shit, if it isn't Cain making his way down to the ring. Cain gets on the ring apron and taunts Number 8. Number 8 exchanges words with him and Cain DRILLS Number 8 in the head with a roll of quarters. The referee was too busy with York and Flex on the outside and Storm gives Number 8 the Stormlock. The referee comes into the ring. Number 8 is out and the referee calls for the bell. Josh Storm and Flex Kavana move on to the finals. (6:45 submission - **3/4) As Cain makes his way back, York finally notices that he made his way out. York grabs the mic. "Hey Cain, perhaps you've forgotten what I said before. Screw with me, well guess what man. 50,000 fines to EVERYONE but you!!! No Cain, you get the lockerroom for FIVE minutes. Have fun, daddio!!"

CAIN HUNT vs THE WHOLE F'N ROSTER - Cain flips off York and starts to go back but Brimstone, The Tank, Lightning, Inferno, Alex Hawk, Dirtbag Dogg, Descent, Morgan, and E come out and drag Cain back to the ring. Storm, Flex, Shotgun, and Number 8 join in the fray and now it's 13 on 1. Flex whips Cain off the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Cain ducks it and DRILLS Flex. So much for that, as Inferno clotheslines Cain from behind and now the beatdown ensues. Inferno and Hawk go for a double powerbomb. Cain flips over. DDT on Inferno!!! DDT on Hawk!!! Holy shit, it's like a ninja movie with Cain beating the whole roster...DDT on Tank!!! Wait, change that as Brimstone chokeslams Cain soo hard it looked like the whole ring shook on that one. Shotgun with the Bullet Bomb!!! Storm locks on the Stormlock as Morgan goes off the top rope and hits an elbowdrop onto the back of Cain's head. Hmmm, looks like the ring can't contain everyone because Dirtbag Dogg and Tank start to brawl with each other. What the hell?? Eh, nothing like seeing about EIGHT people pile onto Cain like a football game. Cain somehow slides out of the pile and gets out of the ring. Cain starts to make his way backstage. As Cain turns around, York DRILLS him with a chairshot to the head. York says something to Cain that isn't caught on camera as the 5 minute time limit ends. I'm not going to rate this since it wasn't exactly a match but it was pretty entertaining seeing that it wasn't as big of a squash as expected and Cain actually did get some offense in.

Commercial break.

JOSH STORM(w/ SegaNet ad) vs FLEX KAVANA for the BOW Bloody Title - Storm and Kavana tie up and Storm goes to work with a side headlock takedown. Flex counters with a headsissors and Storm gets out of it and pins for a 1. Storm takes Flex down again and the same result occurs. Storm with a armbar. Flex counters with one of his own and slaps on a headlock. Storm shoves Flex off the ropes and Flex knocks Storm down with a shoulderblock. Flex off the ropes. Leapfrog by Storm. Clothesline attempt by Storm is missed and Flex gives Storm an atomic drop. Another atomic drop. Flex goes for another one. Gets blocked but Flex hits a clothesline for a 2 count. Flex goes to work on Storm's knee but Storm rolls up Flex for another 2 count. Storm on the offense now with a BIG chop. Another chop, which echoed through the whole arena. Storm whips Flex off the ropes. Clothesline attempt ducked, but Storm hits a standing dropkick for a 2 count. Storm picks up Flex and goes for a bodyslam but Flex counters with a small package for another 2 count. Flex gets the advantage now. Punch, kick, chop, chop, off the ropes. Flex goes off the ropes and BOTH hit a mid-air cross bodyblock with Storm ending up on top. Flex kicks out at 2 and now both men are down. Storm goes for a punch, but Flex counters and now Flex is on fire. Punch, kick, chop, headbutt. Flex bodyslams Storm and goes up top. Storm is up and Flex leaps. Flex with a headsissors takedown but Storm HOLDS ON to Flex's legs as he was flipped over. Storm gets back up while holding onto Flex's legs and gives him the Stormlock(!!). Flex tries to reach the ropes but Storm pulls him to the middle of the ring. Flex has no choice but to tap out. Josh Storm is the new Bloody Champion. (7:24 Submission - ***)

Commercial break.

As the show comes back on the air, Storm is seen backstage celebrating his win. Two guys are seen in the distance. Of course this can only mean...

DIRTBAG DOGG vs THE TANK - As we get to these two, they are still brawling backstage from the previous segment. The referee tries to contain these two, and BOTH Tank and Dogg double clothesline the ref!! 3 other referees come backstage and THEY all get beatdown. Holy SHIT!! Tank just DDT'ed a referee through a car windshield!! I dunno who got the worst of that one, cause the whole window shattered. Tank and the ref are unconsious as security finally comes in. Dogg goes to beat on Tank, but it's almost pointless now that Tank is out. Ugh, sick sight as the cameraman shows a closeup of the ref and Tank who are bleeding everywhere. The match is thrown out because of the carnage. (No Time/ No Contest)

Christian is seen talking with Lars over the next matchup. Both of them agree that they'll let the two go at it without bringing themselfs out.

CAIN HUNT(C) vs BRIMSTONE for the BOW World Title - Cain is still feeling the effects of the beatdown earlier but still has enough to go foward in this match. Brimstone stares a hole into Cain and starts to verbally assault Cain. Brimstone slaps Cain in the face which woke up Cain. Cain shoves Brimstone down and starts to beat the hell out of him. Boot to the face, ANOTHER one. Cain whips Brimstone in and ducks. Brimstone hits a DDT and Cain NO SELLS it. Cain asks for some more and Brimstone drills Cain. Cain retaliates and drills Brimstone. Brimstone didn't get affected either!! Cross cross off the ropes, Cain stops mid ring. Leapfrog by Cain, Brimstone goes for a clothesline which was ducked. Cain hits a spinebuster for a 2 count. Brimstone gets up. Cain goes for a mafia kick which Cain ducked and now Brimstone has a hold of Cain's throat. Brimstone goes for a chokeslam but Cain low blowed him. Cain hits a powerbomb for a 2 count. Cain goes up top and leaps off but Brimstone hit a dropkick which almost took Cain's head off. Brimstone picks up Cain and goes for a pumphandle slam. Cain slips over Brimstone's shoulders on the attempt and...HOLY SHIT!!! Cain gives Brimstone a reverse DDT which...basically Brimstone's head bounced off the mat and his BODY never landed when he went down. Cain covers and Brimstone kicks out at 2(!). Cain sets up Brimstone and hits a butterfly piledriver for ANOTHER 2 count. Cain goes for a tombstone but Brimstone counters it!!! Cain does the same. Both exchange tombstone counters with Cain winning the advantage and hits a sitdown piledriver. 2 count!! Cain is getting frustrated cause he can't seem to put away Brimstone. Cain sets up Brimstone and hits a DDT. Holy shit, Cain holds onto Brimstone and hits TWO MORE. Two count only!! Cain goes up top one more time and goes for a double ax handle. Brimstone counters into a Urange and now both men are down as the ref goes for the count. Cain gets up first and goes to attack. Brimstone gets his second wind and proceeds in tearing Cain a new one. Right, right, right, left, headbutt, kick, kick, kick, off the ropes...back bodydrop. Press slam!!! DDT onto Cain for a 2 count!! Brimstone goes for a piledriver but Cain counters. Slingshot into the corner and Brimstone nailed the turnbuckle post!! Swinging Diamond Cutter by Cain. Brimstone gets back up and walks right into another butterfly piledriver. Cain covers and gets the win. (9:09 Pinfall - **3/4)

End of show.