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CRZ's Massacre Recap
April 5, 2001

By Christopher Robin Zimmerman

Christian York makes his way out with a microphone in hand as Brimstone stands in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent. Brimstone looks on staring a hole through through Christian as he has something to say. "Nothing better then starting the night off with the OPENING match eh Brimmy? Anyway, I told ya that I'd find a suitable opponent for you. Well here he is. The man, the myth...NO he is not the Rock. It's Flex Kavana!!!" Brimstone shrugs as Flex runs down the eisle and slides into the ring.

BRIMSTONE vs FLEX "I am not the Rock" KAVANA - Flex runs down Brimstone with language that's not appropriate for younger audiences. Flex slaps Brimstone in the face and...Brimstone shoves Flex into the ropes and hits a big boot to the head. Brimstone picks up Flex and bodyslams him. Off the ropes, jumping elbow drop. Brimstone gets up and calls out to the crowd. Flex stumbles up and walks right into a AHHHCHHOOKKKESLLAMM!!! Yeah, it was over before the bell rang. 1, 2, 3, Brimstone wins. (Pinfall 1:02 - DUD)

Commercial break.

As we return, Christian is in his office talking with Lars Douglas. "Was that your big suprise for Brimstone, Chris? Who cares, it's Flex Kavana." "Exactly, who CARES. Nobody will care if he destroys someone in the first match. He got his win, which is what he wanted. Nobody ever told him it wouldn't be against someone CREDIBLE ya know. Anyway, I got work to do."

As we get back, Justin Lawless and Lightning are on their way out as the tag-title gauntlet begins.

JUSTIN LAWLESS AND LIGHTNING vs TNT - All four men brawl in the ring as the ref calls for the bell. The Tank clotheslines Lawless over the top as Lightning clotheslines Formen over the top. Tank charges Lightning and Lightning backdrops him over the top onto the floor. Lightning runs the ropes, dives through dropkicking Tank on the outside. Lightning throws Tank inside and goes in. Formen grabs Lightning's foot so Tank can gain advantage. Tank suplexes Lightning. Tank goes up to the top. Lightning dropkicks Tank in the midsection as he went down. Lightning goes off the ropes, SPEAR!!! Formen trys to get in but Lawless holds him back. 1, 2, 3?? Wow, Lawless and Lightning move on. (Pinfall 2:08 - 1/2)

Before Lawless and Lightning can even get their composure back, NoB comes out of nowhere. The ref calls for the bell. Gauntlet BABY!!!

NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 0 vs JUSTIN LAWLESS AND LIGHTNING - As we get to this match, Manic and Chico have been informed by Ary Moreno that Brimstone and an unnamed partner have been added to the gauntlet?? Hmmm, something smells here. Number 1 chokeslams Lawless. Number 0 trys the same on Lightning but Lightning low blows him and hits a DDT. Lawless pinned, Number 0 pinned. Both kick out at 2. Lightning throws Number 0 out of the ring and works on him from the outside as Number 1 takes control of Lawless. Right, right, right, left, kick, kick. Off the ropes, Lawless ducks, Lawless gets caught. Fallaway slam on Lawless for 2. Number 0 throws Lightning into the steel railing and gets a chair. Lawless goes off the ropes, Number 0 hits Lawless with the chair!!! Lawless walks into a Number 0 powerbomb. 1, 2, 3. NoB moves on. (Pinfall 4:09 - *1/3)

Commercial break.

As we get back, York is in the back preparing for his match as he asks Moreno some questions. "Ary, what's the deal man." "What do you mean?" "Sticking Brimstone in the tag title gauntlet as the LAST team. He hasn't paid his dues, he doesn't deserve JACK!!" "Want your job? Shut up and know your role here. You may be the president, but I'm the owner. At any time I can fire you ya know." "Yeah and at any time I can QUIT and one of the men that helped jump start this place can be gone...just like that." "Let me do my job alright? It's what's good for the company." "Yeah Ary, whatever."

Number 1 and Number 0 wait in the ring for the next tag-team to come out in this gauntlet battle. Iceberg and Inferno make their way out but Moreno is out right now and has something to say. "Iceberg, Inferno...Sorry but because of desputes and reasons that will not be said on television, you two will be taken out of the tag team gauntlet" "What!?" "Yeah, now if I were in your position I would take this time and get the hell out of here." Hmm, what the hell? Brimstone walks out. "You know York, ya wanna play mindgames with me? Wait till you get a load of this. I don't need a tag team partner, I'll win the tag belts ON MY OWN!!!" Holy shit, Brimstone is running down to the ring!!!

BRIMSTONE vs NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 0 - Number 1 pounds on Brimstone as he enters the ring. 1 and 0 whip Brimstone off the ropes. Brimstone ducks, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!! Brimstone big boots Number 0 to the outside and takes control of Number 1. Brimstone gives 1 a suplex and covers. 1 count before Number 0 gets back in. Number 1 and 0 both start to pound on Brimstone as he's at the mercy of both guys right now. Number 0 clotheslines Brimstone and BOTH cover Brimstone. 2 count!! Number 0 gives Brimstone a backbreaker and 1 off the top with a DEMOLITION DECAPITATION!!! 2 count!!! Number 1 goes for a powerbomb. Brimstone counters with a backdrop. Number 0 was behind Number 1 and he gets taken out in the process. Number 0 stumbles over the top and his leg gets caught in the ropes. Number 0 is stuck in the ropes!!! Brimstone picks up Number 1 but gets lowblowed. Number 1 goes for a fireman's carry but Brimstone slides over his shoulder. Brimstone picks up Number 1 in a torture rack into a BURNING HAMMER(inverted DVD)!!! 1, 2, 3!!! Brimstone moves on!!! (4:59 Pinfall - **)

York is in the back talking to Moreno and Lars. All three are having an arguement. Moreno says, "trust me" York says, "yeah, the last time I did that I was screwed over. if this is some mind game, forget it. excuse me, I have a match to goto right now."

Commercial break.

As we get back the stage is set for Storm and York. Clips are shown of their last match as York came out victorious. York is in the ring as Storm makes his way out with belt in hand. Both men are in the ring and here we go.

JOSH STORM vs CHRISTIAN YORK for the BOW Bloody Title - Storm takes him down and they do into a mat sequence. Another amateur sequence gets a good response. Storm with another takedown and into a facelock. They fight for a cradle, more applause. York works for a crossface, and Storm makes the ropes. Both back up to a vertical base as the crowd appreciates the action. York and Storm circle around the ring before Storm comes in looking for a leg takedown. York counters the attempt by sliding around and getting a rear chinlock. Storm counters into an armbar. York counters THAT into a drop toehold into an STF. Ref checks for the tap and Storm isn't having any of it. Storm gets to the ropes and both men are back at square one. Tieup once again with Storm putting on a side headlock. Headlock takedown by Storm. York counters with a headsissors and Storm slides out of that. Storm grabs a hold of York's legs and goes for a Stormlock. York counters with a legtrip, gets up, and goes for the Crab 2.0. Storm gets a hold of York's head and rolls him up for a small package. 2 count. Storm goes for another pin, same result. York gets back up and puts on a headlock. Storm whips York off the ropes and goes for an armdrag. York holds on as he goes over and armdrags Storm himself. Another armdrag takedown. Three times. Storm holds on from a fourth attempt and does a go behind. Storm goes for a German Suplex but York flips over onto his feet. York grabs onto Storm and hits a German Suplex. Holds on, another one!! Goes for a third one but Storm blocks. Storm turns around and York gives him a Northern Lights Suplex for a 2. York picks up Storm and hits a snap suplex for another 2 count. York goes for another German Suplex but Storm wraps around him and rolls him up for a 2. Storm goes for a firemans carry. York slips over Storm's shoulders and goes for a neckbreaker. Storm counters with a backslide attempt. 2 count on York. As York rolls over, he gets a hold of Storm's leg and locks on a figure four. Storm goes for the ropes, but York PULLS HIM BACK!!! Why more people don't do that, I dunno. Storm tries to flip over for the counter, but York escapes before he can do so and jumps on top of Storm's back for a crippler crossface. Storm counters the attempt into an anklelock!! This is soo awesome. Storm pulls York to the middle of the ring. Storm flips York over and pins him with a bridge for a 2. York with a bridge himself as both are back to a backslide attempt. Storm breaks out of it and nails York with a Dragon Suplex!! TWO COUNT again! The crowd is eating this up. Storm picks up York and goes for a suplex. York flips over and locks on a Dragon Sleeper!! Storm gets to the turnbuckle, walks onto it, flips over, and locks on a Dragon Sleeper of his own!!! York does the same thing Storm did, except instead of putting him in a Dragon Sleeper he gives him an inverted suplex. 2 count again. York goes for a side russian legsweep but Storm holds on to the ropes and York falls down. Storm gets a hold of York's legs, drags him to the middle of the ring, and slaps on the Stormlock!!! York tries to grab Storm's leg to trip him, but Storm moves his leg over and now York is helpless!!! York is tapping!! Or is he?? Can't tell, looks like a cross between tapping and going for the ropes. Wait a minute, shit...Komei Zen is in to kill my buzz and fuck up this match. Zen comes in and drills Storm with the chair. Storm flips, and proceeds to DESTROY Zen!!! Storm powerbombs Zen over, and puts HIM in the Stormlock!!! Zen is toast. The referee is about to declare the winner as Storm, but Storm has something else in mind. Storm grabs the microphone. "No no no, you see this match is not about to end on a disqualification. I came here tonight to show that I am the superior wrestler, and a DQ is not going to cut the mustard. York, you KNOW you tapped out. Everyone SAW you tap out. But since the referee didn't catch it, obviously it's not going to make a difference what occurred. This match will continue until there's a clean cut winner. Zen is taken out of the picture. If Zen thinks that he can screw up this match, he's sadly mistaken. Accept this challenge Chris, whaddya say?" Storm tosses the microphone to York as York looks into the crowd. The crowd is rabid at this point. "Are you kidding me? You're on!!" The referee calls for the bell as Storm charges towards York. Thesz Press on Storm!! Storm kips York up and both of them try to flip over at the same time resulting in a double pin. 2 count!! Storm flips around York and goes for a Half Nelson Suplex. York counters with a legtrip and now York goes for the Crab 2.0!!! York locks it in!!! Storm grabs onto the ropes, but York won't break the hold!! Storm is yelling in pain as the ref does the 5 count. York breaks it on 4 and goes for the pin. 2 count on Storm. York picks up Storm and goes for a suplex. Falcon Arrow for another 2 count. York picks up Storm again and goes for another German Suplex. Storm flips over, taking out the referee in the process!! Storm turns York around, goes for a Northern Lights, but York counters with a DDT. York goes to the outside of the ring and grabs a chair. York comes in and DRILLS Storm with the chair. The referee is still out though and doesn't see what's going on. Storm gets up, and York hits him with ANOTHER chairshot which busted him open in the process. York throws the chair out of the ring and shakes the referee. York covers as the referee counts. 1, 2, STORM KICKS OUT!!! York picks up Storm and hits a suplex. Storm held on as he went down. York and Storm flip their legs up at the same time again and another double pin occurs. 1, 2, 3!!! Who won? Wait a minute, the referee can't decide who pinned who and since both men are content to getting a clear winner, once again the match resumes. Damn this has been going on for a while. Storm gets a hold of York. Storm whips York off the ropes and goes for a backdrop. York counters with a huracanrana attempt. Storm whips York onto his shoulders and York goes downwards with a victory roll. 1, 2, 3!!! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new Bloody Champion. Storm gets back up as the crowd applauds both men's efforts. Storm extends his hand out as a form of respect. York looks over as the referee hands him his belt. York does the same and...Storm tricks him!! Holy shit, single arm DDT where York was dropped HARDWAY onto his head. Storm grabs the steel chair and DISSECTS his knee with about 8 chairshots. Storm grabs the microphone. "In a match of style, it was clear that "I" was the victor. You want to take MY title? Quite alright, it'll cost you your knees!!!" Storm drops the microphone, drags York over to the ringpost. RINGPOST FIGURE FOUR!!! 4 or 5 referees come out to try to break Storm off of York but Storm won't let go. Storm finally breaks the hold as the referees take him to the back. York is in the ring clutching on his leg as EMTs check in. Even with the wierd ending, and the fact that it took a while to really pick up in pace, still an awesome match. (Pinfall 26:08 - ****1/2)

York is backstage ignoring help from the EMTs as he's yelling towards Ary. Ary has words for him, "You fire Storm, I fire you and rehire him back. So either way it's a losing situation for you Chris. I'll have a talk with him, but you're NOT about to jepordize the career over someone just because of your bum knees. By the way, Brimstone will face S&N in the main event next week. Shotgun has a world title match coming right up and that match will not be compromised. Plus....Brimstone deserves to be in the main event. You of everyone else should know that by now." Moreno smiles as he exits York's office. Shotgun is walking down the backstage area. Cain is shown doing the same. Title match is next!!!


As we come back, Angelfire presents the backlash of the week. Clip is shown of Brimstone giving York an inverted DDT before walking off.

CAIN HUNT vs SHOTGUN for the BOW World Title - Shotgun and Cain circle the ring before locking up. Neither man gains advantage. Again, same result. Cain gets an armbar on but Shotgun elbows out of it. Back at square one. Both say screw tying up as they start to drill each other with right hands. Shotgun gains advantage. Right, right, right, off the ropes. Cain ducks, ducks again, didn't duck that time and he gets hit with a clothesline. Cain rolls out of the ring and starts walking down the eisle. Shotgun runs towards him and DRILLS him with a clothesline in the back of the head. Shotgun drags Cain back to the ring and rolls him in. Shotgun boots Cain and whips him off the ropes. Cain ducks, turns Shotgun around, and drops him with a DDT. Cain covers for a 2 count. Cain picks up Shotgun and bodyslams him. Off the ropes, Cain goes for a splash but Shotgun gets the knees up and now Shotgun is on Cain once again. Shotgun whips Cain into the turnbuckle. Shotgun charges but Cain grabs onto him as he comes in. Turns around, belly to belly suplex! Cain puts on a headlock to slow things down. Shotgun gets back up and hits a few elbows to break out of it. Shotgun off the ropes, ducks a clothesline attempt. Shotgun with a cross body but Cain rolls the other way. 2 count on Shotgun. Cain clotheslines Shotgun and goes back to a headlock. Cain slows down the pace somemore by gaining leverage with his foot on the rope. The ref sees it after a while and Cain breaks it up. Cain shoves the referee, but the referee shoves him back into a rollup by Shotgun. 2 count on Cain!! Shotgun fires back with right hands. Right, right, left. Off the ropes, Cain ducks again, Shotgun nails a dropkick!! 2 count on Cain. Shotgun with a kneelift!! Off the ropes, swinging neckbreaker!! 2 count on Cain as the crowd eats up the action. Shotgun goes up top and goes for a swandive, but misses. Cain rolled over the attempt and now both men are down. Ref starts the count. Cain gets up first and goes towards Shotgun. Shotgun fires back, again!! Shotgun is up and now he's on fire!! Right, right, left. Off the ropes, back bodydrop!! Shotgun swings, Cain ducks. Cain goes for a DDT, Shotgun shoved him off and Cain nailed the ref!! Ref is down. Shotgun with a Stunner!!! Wait a second, Brimstone is running down to the ring with chair in hand. What the hell is he doing. He's telling Shotgun to pick up Cain and grab him so he can drill him with the chair. Shotgun picks him up and holds him for Brimstone. Brimstone swings but Cain ducked and the chair nailed Shotgun!!! Cain looks at Brimstone and flips him off as he covers Shotgun. The ref finally gets up. 1, 2, 3, Cain wins!! (10:05 Pinfall - ***)

Cain looks on at Brimstone and says, "I'm still STANDING!!" Brimstone walks to the back slowly. What will Shotgun and Number 8 do when they face the man who costed Shotgun the world title?? We'll see you then, good night.

End of Show.