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CRZ's Massacre Recap
April 19, 2001

By Christopher Robin Zimmerman

TONIGHT: Brimstone faces Dirtbag Dogg!! Enforcer continues his search for his mystery attacker!! Shotgun vs York!! And in the main event, Enforcer and Storm go head to head with Number 8 and Cain!!

TONIGHT'S SPECIAL MIAMI VICE GUEST STAR: Well, the 7pm one had Vincent D'Onofrio and John Leguizamo but this one was a bit lighter. I mean, sure, he's a good actor and all that, but let's face it: John Glover just isn't as exciting - I'm sorry! Immediately after the closing credits this week instead of our usual laserjet refiller ads - TV-14-DLV - BOW!!

We are LIVE from Hartford, Connecticut and Transmitido en espanol SAP angelfire - the arena is unnamed but JUST FOR DEL (who doesn't read these things) I looked up that this is, in fact, the Hartford Civic Center and pre Pay Per View episode is underway...THIS is BOW Thursday Night Massacre!!

The cameras cut to the parking lot area where a limo pulls up. The driver opens the door and it's Number 8 and Shotgun!! Number 8 and Shotgun get out of the limo and start walking into the backstage area.

Christian is shown in his dressing room as a man knocks on his door. "Come in". It's Enforcer!! "York..." "Didn't I make it clear that I don't even want to see your face?" "It has nothing to do with that, there's something we have to talk about." "Enforcer, look. I have other things to deal with at this time. If you think I'm still pissed at you...Well, you had nothing to do with what happened. You just happened to be at the right place at the right time." "So it's over right." "Yeah, you beat me in the ring." "Okay." Enforcer leaves the dressing room as York prepares for his match later on tonight.

Commercial break.

Through Hellfire it's BRIMSTONE(with Logitech presents BOW Blasphemy this Sunday on Pay Per View for 31.95) vs The DIRTBAG DOGG - As we get back from the commercial break, both guys are already in the ring as Dogg looks towards Brimstone with a huge grin on his face. Brimstone looks back as if he's saying, "what the hell am I doing in here?" Dirtbag Dogg attacks, and Brimstone just shoves him off. Dogg runs at him again, same result. Third time is DEFINATELY not the charm as Dogg runs into a clothesline from hell. "Look at him, crawlin like a bitch!!" Yeah, that's what Dogg looks like right now. Dirtbag begs off as he goes to the corner. Brimstone goes behind but Dirtbag's trick knee acts up as he low blows him. Dirtbag Dogg goes for a suplex Brimstone counters with a...holy crap, a suplex into a powerbomb variation. Dirtbag Dogg gets back up and staggers into a AHHHHHH CHOKESLAM!!!!!!!! Thank you, drive through. 1, 2, 3, Brimstone wins. (2:07 pinfall - 3/4)

As we go backstage, Enforcer is still walking around looking for his mystery attacker. He gets a note from someone saying to check room 225. He knocks on the door and opens it. He comes in and sees Josh Storm!! "Enforcer, what the hell do you want?" "I was given a note saying to come to this room." "For what? Hey look, just because we're tagging tonight doesn't mean we're going to be drinking buddies. I'm warming up, I'll meet up with you before our match. Until then, if you don't mind." "Actually I do mind. Don't talk to me like I'm some bum off the street, I'm the Bloody Champion here and you better recognize." "Okay D-Lo, but after this coming Pay Per View, things might be a little different." "Yeah we'll see about that."

Commercial ad for BOW Blasphemy Pay Per View. Who will walk out of the First Union Center intact? Find out this SUNDAY for 31.95!!!

CHRISTIAN YORK vs SHOTGUN - Collar and elbow tieup, both break up. Tie up once again, same result. Third time they hook it up. Shotgun with an elbow, two elbows, standing dropkick. York to the outside as he circles around. York steps back in and both tie up again. York with an armbar takedown into a headlock. Shotgun rolls over and pins for a 2. Shotgun escapes with a headscissors and York escapes the headscissors by kicking out. York ducks a swing and hits a chop. York chops again, third time knocks down Shotgun. York tells the ref, "hey ref check the time!!" As the ref checks the time, York low blows Shotgun in the groin. York works on the back area with a backbreaker into a 2 count. York covers again, same result. York picks up Shotgun and goes for an atomic drop. Blocked attempt by Shotgun and Shotgun nails York with a lariat. Shotgun with a shoulderbreaker and now he goes up top. York clips his legs underneath him and sets up Shotgun for a superplex. Shotgun shoves York off and hits a diving headbutt. 2 count!! Piledriver by Shotgun for another 2 count. AGAIN with a piledriver for 2. Shotgun goes for a tombstone, York counters and drops him with one of his own!! Both men are down now. Shotgun goes towards York. York with a comeback. Punch, punch, punch, off the ropes...dropkick!! York whips Shotgun off the ropes, ducks, double crossbody block in mid air!! Double pin attempt, 2 count!! Shotgun staggers to the ropes and York comes off with a crossbody as both fly out of the ring. York gets back in and goes for a baseball slide headscissors. Shotgun counters with an inverted powerbomb on the floor!! Shotgun rolls York in, two count!! Shotgun goes to the top rope and goes for an elbow drop. Shotgun misses!! York off the ropes, Lionsault!! York cannot cover though. Finally Christian covers for a 2. Christian picks up Shotgun and goes for a DDT. Shotgun trips up York and gives HIM the Crab 2.0!!! York counters out of it and locks it onto Shotgun!!! Shotgun makes it to the ropes. Christian kicks to the midsection and goes for a pumphandle driver. Christian connects!! 1, 2, no!!! York goes for a huracanrana, Shotgun spins York around his shoulders. York goes for a victory roll but Shotgun counters with a cradle. 1, 2, 3!!! As York gets up and Shotgun is declared the victor, both guys give each other a handshake out of respect. This may have been the last time these two will ever square off against each other. (Pinfall 9:03 - ***1/4)

Number 8 is seen in the back shaking his head in approval. The tag-team main event war is next!!!

Commercial break.

NUMBER 8 and SCOOTER HUNT vs JOSH STORM and The ENFORCER - Both teams argue about who'll start off the match. Finally it's Storm and Hunt who start off the match. Cain attacks first but Storm quickly retaliates. Storm drills Cain in the corner. Right, right, right. Cain to the turnbuckle, backbody drop!!! Number 8 comes in and Enforcer makes his way in. Number 8 and Enforcer go over the top rope as Cain takes control of Storm. Cain goes for an inverted powerbomb. Storm counters with a bulldog. Storm off the ropes, dropkick to the knee!! Storm goes for a rolling clothesline, but Cain CONNECTS with a huge lariat of his own. Cain tags in Number 8 as 8 takes control. Storm gives Cain a drop toehold and tags in Enforcer. Enforcer goes for an elbow but Number 8 moves. Number 8 picks up Enforcer and hits a suplex. Number 8 holds on and hits a slingshot suplex for a 2 count. Number 8 picks up Enforcer and tags in Cain. Cain chokes the hell out of Enforcer while giving a stare towards Number 8. Cain picks up Enforcer and hits a press slam. Enforcer staggers to the ropes and gets DUMPED over the top with a clotheline. Number 8 attacks Enforcer while Cain distracts the ref but STORM comes out of nowhere with a spear to Number 8. Out of nowhere, Justin Lawless comes out and CHAIRS Storm!!! Lawless has his own personal referee and makes a cover. 1, 2, 3!!! Hahaha, Lawless is the new KFC Hardcore Champion. Lawless makes a run for it and without thinking about it, STORM goes after him!!! Enforcer is easy pickings for Number 8 and Cain. Number 8 rolls Enforcer in the ring. Enforcer is fighting back!! Right, right, right, left, dropkick!! Off the ropes, Number 8 kicks Enforcer from behind. Enforcer staggers and yes, it's a AHHH CHOKESLAM!!! 1, 2, he kicked out!! Cain gives of a smile, which in the end turns evil as he picks up Enforcer and POWERBOMBS him!! 1, 2, 3!! Cain and Number 8 get their stipulation this coming Sunday on Pay Per View!!! (7:45 Pinfall - **3/4)

Cain and Number 8 stare at each other, teasing an early preview of the Pay Per View match. Instead, Number 8 gets out of the ring and walks down the eisle. Cain turns around and Enforcer out of NOWHERE hits a DDT!!! Enforcer is PISSED. "Storm, your ass is grass this Sunday and I'm gonna smoke it!!!" Copyright is shown, Pay Per View this Sunday, we'll see you then!!!

End of show.