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CRZ's Massacre Recap
May 10, 2001

By Christopher Robin Zimmerman

TONIGHT: Catfight!! Storm defends chicken against Recoil. Simon has a problem with EX. Triple Threat Tag Title match!! Da president vs da world heavyweight champion, and more!!!

SPECIAL MIAMI VICE GUEST STAR OF THE NIGHT: Sheena Easton? Nah, she's in ALL of these. Annabelle Gurwitch? Not big enough. Let's say... Iman

Opening Credits

ONCE AGAIN IT'S ON - coming to you LIVE from the SOLD-OUT Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY, this is the BOW Thursday Night Massacre!

As we pan the crowd, Vixen waits on in the ring as she grabs the microphone and speaks. "Shannon, there's a time for fun and there's a time for getting down and dirty. Get your ass out here, right NOW!!!" Shannon makes her way down to the ring and here we go.

SHANNON vs VIXEN - Shannon runs into the ring and Vixen spears her down. CATFIGHT!!! Both are pulling hair all over the place as the ref doesn't know what to do. Vixen flings Shannon to the other side of the ring with a hair takedown. Vixen with a suplex!! Vixen goes to the legs and LOWBLOWS her, yikes. Wait a minute, Justin Lawless is making his way down to the ring since the referee can't control the two ladies. Lawless gets into the ring and holds back Shannon. Vixen looks ready to tear Shannon a new one. Lawless pulls Vixen aside and superkicks Vixen!!! The ref calls for the bell. (Vixen via DQ - 2:04 DUD). Lawless picks up Shannon and carries her to the back as Vixen gets checked on by the referee.

Enforcer is seen arriving in the arena as Nita Spankee catches him for a few comments. "Enforcer, what's your plan for later tonight?" "Nita, do you have anything else better to do? What do you think I'm gonna do...I'm gonna get in the ring, beat up the president of this stinkin place, and leave. Business as usual, now get out of my way I have things to do."

Commercial break.

As we get back, the Degenerates wait on in the locker room warming up for their title defense later on.

JOSH STORM vs RECOIL for the KFC Hardcore Title - The bell rings and the two lock it up. Brief mat sequence ends with Storm getting an armbar. Recoil off the ropes, ducks, clothesline!! Recoil hits another clothesline and Storm bails. Recoil goes after him on the outside. Storm gets back in and stomps Recoil as he slid into the ring. Storm hits a suplex into a pin for a 1. Storm goes for a standing dropkick but Recoil shoves it aside and slaps on a side headlock. Storm counters with a couple elbows, rolls over, and locks in an anklelock. Recoil to the ropes. Both guys back up. Another mat sequence with nobody getting an advantage. Another one, this time Recoil gets a cross armbreaker. Storm powers out of it and hits a backdrop suplex. Storm with an elbow for a 2 count. Storm picks up Recoil and goes for a piledriver but Recoil backdrops. Storm goes for a sunset flip but Recoil just sits on him for a 2. Superkick on Storm!! Another 2 count. Recoil goes to the outside and finds a trashcan lid under the ring. Recoil goes to hit Storm with it, but Storm just punches the lid into Recoils face. Storm looks under the ring and finds a table. Storm sets up the table on the outside and goes to work on Recoil. Storm sets up Recoil for a suplex. Recoil counters, and sunset flip powerbombs Storm through the table!! 2 count!! Recoil throws Storm back into the ring and goes up top. Recoil goes for a flying headscissors but Storm powerbombs him and locks him in the Stormlock!! Recoil makes it to the ropes, but Storm pulls him back to the middle of the ring!! Recoil makes it to the ropes again, and this time he breaks. Storm up top...Storm goes for an elbow, but Recoil moves out of the way. Ref starts the count. Storm back up and Recoil makes a comeback. Right, right, right, left, kick, chop...Off the ropes, backbody drop. Clothesline to Storm. Recoil covers for a 2 count. Recoil sets up Storm in the corner. Recoil goes for a spear but Storm moves and Recoil goes shoulder first into the post. Storm with a cover while he gets leverage from the ropes. 1, 2, 3!! Storm retains the title. (Storm via pinfall - 8:15 ***)

Christian is seen in the backstage walking the hall. Simon Diamond is in the ring as he grabs the microphone. "Ladies and gentleman, Simon has a PROBLEM!! The problem is that a blue chipper like myself isn't getting noticed by the big leagues such as the World Wrestling Federation. Yet, guys like that tobacco chewing piece of crap Undertaker have a job. I just don't get it!!! Well, I'm gonna make an example out of EX. I'm gonna show the world why I am the best thing going today." EX comes out with a microphone himself. "Simon, first of all quit your bitching. This isn't the WWF. This isn't the bush leagues, this is BLOODY ONLINE WRESTLING. You couldn't make it in ECW, you sure as hell ain't gonna make it here." EX charges the ring.

EX vs SIMON DIAMOND(with Dawn Marie) - EX wails away as Simon reels to the corner. EX destroys Simon in the corner. Right, right, right, 15 more rights!!! Off the ropes, backbody drop. Standing dropkick. EX kicks, DDT!! 2 count. Simon gouges the eyes and locks a headlock on. EX elbows out of it, whips Simon off the ropes, and hits a clothesline. Kick to the midsection, gutwrench powerbomb for a 2. EX picks up Simon and shoves him into the corner. EX with shoulderblocks in the corner as the ref tries to break it up. EX talks with the ref and Simon kicks EX in the groin. Atomic drop on EX. Simon hits EX with a suplex for a 2 count. Simon puts a grapevine on EX but EX makes it to the ropes. Simon hits a backbreaker and goes up top. EX puts the boots up!! EX back up. Right, right, left, kneelift!! Dawn Marie is up on the apron with a shoe in hand. The ref is trying to get her off the mat and she tosses Simon her shoe. EX turns around, Simon nails EX with it. 1, 2, EX kicks out. Simon picks up EX, Simonizer!!! 1, 2, 3, Simon wins. (Simon via pinfall - 5:03 **)

Commercial break.

As we get back, Enforcer talks with the Degenerates prepping them up for the main event. Christian is seen in the back as he makes his way out to the ring for his match with Enforcer. Both guys have made their way down and here we go.

CHRISTIAN YORK vs ENFORCER - Enforcer puts the trashtalk on Christian and Christian shrugs his head. Enforcer walks up to Christian and slaps him in the face. Christian returns the favor with a right hand. Lock up, Enforcer with a gouge to the eyes and a kick to the midsection. Enforcer headlock takedowns Christian for a 1 count. Both back up. Mat sequence with Enforcer ending with a pin for another 1 count. Enforcer gives Christian a drop toehold and kicks the leg. Christian grabs Enforcer and small packages him for a 1. Both have enough of the mat wrestling and start punching away. Christian gets the advantage. Right, chop, chop, chop, kick, DDT!!! 1 count. Enforcer back up and he kicks Christian in the midsection. Enforcer whips Christian into the corner and follows up with a splash and a bulldog for a 2 count. Christian rolls to the outside and Enforcer follows the lead. Enforcer goes for a clothesline. Christian ducks, and hits one of his own!! Both back in the ring. Christian puts the boots to Enforcer and hits a standing dropkick. 2 count on Enforcer. Enforcer hits a kick to the knee and clotheslines Christian to the mat. Christian gets up and gets met with a belly to back suplex. Enforcer goes up top and hits a splash for a 2. Christian gets back up and Enforcer charges. Christian moves out of the way and Enforcer flys out of the ring. Enforcer is dazed as he gets back up. Christian runs the ropes, springboards, and hits a SHOOTING STAR PRESS to the outside of the ring!!! Holy shit. Both guys are down. Christian the first back up as he rolls into the ring. Enforcer back up. Christian nails Enforcer as he tries to get back in. Christian flips over and tries to powerbomb Enforcer on the outside. Enforcer grabs Christian by the neck, lifts him onto the mat, and DDTs him onto the floor!!! God damn man. Enforcer gets back up and drags Christian into the ring. 1, 2, kickout!!! Enforcer sets up Christian for a powerbomb. Christian counters, rolls up Enforcer. 1, 2, kickout. Enforcer goes for a clothesline. Christian ducks, but couldn't duck an elbow to the face. Enforcer moves to the turnbuckle and goes for a tornado DDT. Christian counters, grabs the legs, and applies the Crab 2.0. Enforcer makes it to the ropes. Christian takes over. Right, right, right, kick, knee lift for 2!! Wait a minute, Lightning is making his way to the ring. Christian with the Pumhandle Driver. 1, 2, Lightning grabs Enforcer's foot and puts it on the ropes. Christian goes to the outside and clotheslines Lightning!! Christian back in. Enforcer catches Christian by the neck and goes for a chokeslam. Christian kicks low and hits a diamond cutter!! 1, 2, Lightning in AGAIN and this time the ref calls for the bell. (Christian via DQ - 8:59 ***) Lightning hits a spear and Enforcer gets back up. Both start to beat down York before Ary Moreno makes his way out. "Enforcer, that's enough. Lightning, stop it, STOP it I said. You've had your fun guys. If you're going to do something, do it RIGHT!! Make him BLEED!!" Enforcer grabs a chair and goes to drill Christian with it. Christian ducks and Lightning gets the chairshot!!! Christian rolls out of the ring and runs into Ary. Ary slaps Christian, Christian with a doubleleg takedown!!! Before hitting Ary, Christian pulls his punch back and walks away!? Christian goes to the back as Moreno is down and Enforcer is left wondering what all that was about.

Commercial break.

As we get back, a replay shows what happened just a second ago as York escapes a possible beatdown from three guys. Enforcer is left clueless as Moreno gets back up. Live shots play as Enforcer talks with Ary. "Ary, what the hell was that?" "Nothing, nothing at all." "I dunno, I'm starting to wonder if I can even trust you anymore. Considering that it seemed all too conveniant that I accidently nailed Lightning with the chair but in the end when York had the chance to tear you a new one, he pulled away." "It's all business man, you know that as much as anyone." "Yeah but now Lightning is busted open and how does that play up to when he gets in the ring?" "Take it easy man, nothing is going to happen."

THE DEGENR8TES vs RAZIN HELL vs HAPPY GO LUCKIES for the BOW Tag Team Titles - No tag format, all six guys will be in the ring at once and this one will prove difficult to follow. Lightning is sporting a bandage on his head from the accidental chairshot. Lawless works on Gary as Ace beats on Dirtbag and Vault. Lightning is on the outside trying to recover. Lawless throws Gary to the outside and now Lightning beats on him. Vault and Dirtbag toss Ace into the corner and hit Poetry in Motion. Ace gets pinned and Lawless breaks up the cover. Lawless covers Ace and Dirtbag returns the favor. Dirtbag nails Lawless with a DDT, covers, and Lightning breaks THAT one up. Razin Hell tosses Ace over the top rope but Gary clothelines THOSE two over the top as well. Lightning goes to spear Ace, but Ace SOMEHOW counters with a DDT!! Ugh, Lightning's head is open once again as blood pours out of the cut. Lawless picks up Ace and hits a chokeslam for 2. Lawless goes for a powerbomb, but Dirtbag breaks it up with a missile dropkick. Dirtbag covers, but Lightning picks up Dirtbag and hits a clothesline. Vault up top as he hits a bodypress on Lightning for a 2. Can't, keep, up, with this. Gary back up. Him and Lawless hit double mafia kicks on Vault, and Lawless in the end nails Gary with one for him. 2 count on Gary as Dirtbag breaks it up. Dirtbag goes over to Lightning and rubs his cut into the mat in a sick looking shot. Lawless runs over to Dirtbag and punches him straight into the face sending him over the top rope. Dirtbag's foot got caught on the ropes. Lawless charges Ace and SPEARS him into the turnbuckles. Ace's head literally bounced on the top turnbuckle and now he's down. Lawless covers, but Gary breaks it up. Lightning gets back up and Gary kicks him into the corner. Gary kicks him down, runs to the otherside, and hits a BRONCOBUSTER!!! The crowd is eating that one up as Gary seems to LIKE it, heheh. Lawless goes to nail Gary, but Gary moves and Lightning eats a knee to the head!! Ugh, Lightning is getting destroyed here. Gary rolls up Lawless for a 2 count. Gary and Lawless stumble to the outside and start to brawl. Dirtbag is back up as Vault pulls Lightning to the middle of the ring. Dirtbag up top, dives, and hits a swandive headbutt to Lightning's head. 1, 2, 3!!! No, wait...The referee got pulled out otherwise Razin Hell would've been the tag team champs. Lawless runs in with a chair and he nails Dirtbag with it!! Lawless pulls Lightning on top of Dirtbag as the ref counts. 1, 2, Gary stops the count!! Lawless goes to nail Gary, but Vault charges with a spear and drills BOTH of them. Ace back in...Ace with a piledriver on Lightning as he covers. 1, 2, Vault breaks it up!! Lawless hits a reverse DDT on Vault. 1, 2, Ace breaks up the cover. Lawless nails Ace over the top rope. Dirtbag goes to hit Lawless with a superkick, but Lawless counters with a stunner. Lightning back up as he covers Dirtbag. Vault barely breaks that pin attempt. Vault grabs Lawless but Lawless backs up and the ref gets sandwiched. And of course that means that the run-in must take place. Enforcer runs in. Lightning holds onto Vault and holds him for a chairshot. Vault ducks, and Enforcer almost hits Lightning again but this time Lightning grabs the chair before he gets smacked in the head. Lightning turns around with the chair. Ace springboards and goes to dropkick the chair into Lightning's face, but Lightning moves and ENFORCER gets drilled with the dropkick. Ace gets back up and Lightning smacks him in the head with the chair. The referee back up as Lightning covers. 1, 2, 3, Degenerates retain the titles in an insane match. (Degenerates via pinfall - 11:45 ***3/4) Lightning looks towards Enforcer with a bit of disgust as he and Lawless hold up their straps. Afterwards the three of them cool off and head to the back as the camera cuts off.

End of show