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CRZ's Massacre Recap
May 10, 2001

By Christopher Robin Zimmerman

TONIGHT: Diamond and Douglas face the JOB Squad. Lightning tries his hand at Y2K. Lawless, Storm, and Recoil in a 3 Way Dance. Happy Go Luckies goto show how many they can be towards Enforcer.

SPECIAL MIAMI VICE GUEST STAR OF THE NIGHT: Sheena Easton? Nah, she's in ALL of these. Annabelle Gurwitch? Not big enough. Let's say... Iman

Opening Credits

An RIP graphic is shown with skulls and shit. Odd.

ONCE AGAIN IT'S ON - coming to you LIVE from the SOLD-OUT Bob Carpenter Center in Neward, DE, this is the BOW Thursday Night Massacre!

SIMON DIAMOND and SHANE DOUGLAS vs RAIZIN HELL - Douglas starts off in the ring with Dirtbag Dogg. Douglas takes control with a few armdrags into a clothesline. Douglas tags in Diamond and Diamond goes to work in the corner with right hands. Dirtbag fights off and tags Vault. Vault charges and Diamond takes him down with a drop toehold. Diamond picks up Vault and hits a DDT for a 2. Diamond tags in Douglas and they double hiptoss Vault. Vault gets thrown over the top and Douglas nails Dirtbag. Dirtbag tries to get in but gets held back. Vault gets suplexed on the outside and thrown into the guardrail. Diamond tosses Vault back in and Douglas gives him a belly to belly suplex. 2 count before Dirtbag breaks it up. Diamond gets into the ring and clotheslines Dirtbag over the top. Douglas picks up Vault and gives him the Franchiser. Quick pin. 1, 2, 3. Douglas and Simon win the match in quick order. (5:01 Pinfall - *)

JOSH STORM vs JUSTIN LAWLESS vs RECOIL for the BOW Bloody Title - Lawless and Recoil jump on Storm and beat the living hell out of him. Double clothesline over the top rope. Lawless clotheslines Recoil and goes for the pin. Storm breaks it up. Lawless stomps on Storm and Recoil nails Lawless from behind. Recoil goes for a german suplex. Lawless locks Recoil from behind. Storm AND Recoil get german suplexed. Lawless covers Storm for a 2 count. Recoil dropkicks Lawless and pins Storm for a 2. Recoil whips Storm into Lawless. Lawless locks Storm and goes for a belly to belly but Storm counters with a go around into a dragon suplex. Storm covers Lawless and Recoil breaks up the cover. Storm dumps Recoil over the top rope and Lawless goes for a rollup and gets a 2 count. Lawless tries a baseball slide to the outside into a huracanrana onto Recoil but Recoil counters into an inverted powerbomb. Recoil slides into the ring and Storm stomps a mudhole into his back. Recoil goes for a leg but Storm counters by grabbing a leg himself and hitting a dragon screw legwhip into a Stormlock. Storm locks in the hold but Lawless dives off the top with a missile dropkick. Lawless covers Storm for a 2. Lawless tries the same on Recoil and gets a 2. Lawless picks up Storm and gives him a russian legsweep. Recoil dives and rolls up Lawless for a 1. Lawless dumps Recoil to the outside and goes back to work on Storm. Lawless puts Storm into the corner and sets up for a superplex. Storm counters by tossing him off and dives with a legdrop for a 2. Recoil back in and he goes towards Storm but gets drilled headfirst into the turnbuckle. Lawless back up. Recoil goes for a superkick onto Storm but Storm ducks and Lawless gets nailed. Lawless flys over the top as Recoil turns around and Storm gives him a double leg takedown. Storm wraps up the legs and locks in the Stormlock again. Storm breaks the hold and goes towards Lawless who's back in the ring. Lawless does a go behind and Storm backs him into the corner, sandwiching the referee in the process. Lightning makes his way down to the ring but Douglas comes from behind and knocks him over. Douglas tosses Storm a chain and Storm drills Lawless with it. Storm takes the chain and hides it in Lawless's tights. Recoil goes for a spear but Storm moves out of the way and Recoil goes shoulder first into the ringpost flying to the outside. Storm covers Lawless as the ref is back up. Lawless kicks out at 2. Storm goes for an Angle Slam but Lawless counters. Lawless goes off the ropes and attempts the Lawbreaker but Storm tosses off the attempt. The ref gets distracted by Lightning and Douglas on the outside. Recoil is up with a chair on the apron. Storm shoves Lawless towards the ropes but Lawless ducks and Storm gets nailed with the chair. Off the ropes, Lawless hits the Lawbreaker and covers. 1, 2, 3!! Lawless wins!! As the referee checks on Storm, Storm is going apeshit and tells the referee to check his tights. Lawless is confused as he holds up the title. The referee goes to check his tights and discovers the Lawless has a chain in his tights. What he doesn't know is that Storm put them in there. Either way, the referee reverses the decision and awards the match to Storm via DQ(9:06 DQ - ***)

LIGHTNING vs CHRISTIAN YORK - Tie up, into the turnbuckle, York shoves off. Tie up again, takedown, into the ropes. Both back up. Lightning punches and York returns the favor. Both are slugging away as Lightning gains advantage. Right, left, off the ropes, backbody drop. Dropkick and York rolls to the outside. York back in and Lightning takes control with chops to the chest. York shoves Lightning into the corner and hits a few chops of his own. York pulls him out and hits a standing dropkick. York walks over to the corner and takes a breather as Lightning gets back up. Lightning charges and nails York with a clothesline. York points to his chin and says "bring it home"? Erm, Lightning shrugs his shoulders and hits the superkick. Lightning covers. 1, 2, 3. Lightning wins in a weird ending. (3:00 Pinfall - 1/2)

ENFORCER vs THE HAPPY GO LUCKIES - Ace charges and Enforcer tosses him up in the air. Gary charges and gets met with a boot to the face. Enforcer picks them both up and knocks their heads together. HGL are down and at the same time give Enforcer a TESTICULAR CLAW!!! Enforcer goes reeling into the corner and punches them off. Ace jumps on top of Enforcer with a sleeper hold and Gary jumps on his chest!! Enforcer atomic drops Gary and gives Ace a stunner. Enforcer picks up Gary and tosses him to the outside. Ace charges Enforcer and hits a spear that staggers him. Ace hits another one which knocked him down. 1 count on Enforcer. Gary up top and goes for a double ax handle but Enforcer grabs his throat and hits a chokeslam. Enforcer goes for a powerbomb on Ace but gets distracted as Josh Storm makes his way down to the ring. As the ref looks over to Storm, Douglas runs in from the crowd and drills Enforcer with a Franchiser. Ace covers but can only get a 2. Gary goes up top and tries a huracanrana but Enforcer blocks with a powerbomb. Ace charges in but Enforcer tosses him over the top rope. Enforcer covers Gary. 1, 2, 3. Enforcer wins. (4:35 Pinfall - *1/2)

End of Show.