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CRZ's Massacre Recap
May 10, 2001

By Christopher Robin Zimmerman

TONIGHT: Factions collide as Enforcer and Company face off in several matches against the Triple Threat!! Plus Happy Go Luckies versus Raizin Hell. May the worst tag team lose!!

SPECIAL MIAMI VICE GUEST STAR OF THE NIGHT: There is none, because it was pre-empted for the goddamn dogshow.

Opening Credits

We are LIVE from some city in some arena as BOW presents Thursday Night Massacre!! What will go down the show before the Pay Per View D-Day? Lets find out as the show begins.

HAPPY GO LUCKIES vs RAIZIN HELL - Ace and Vault start off in the ring. Ace does a little strutting as Vault charges in. Ace with a drop toehold. Ace with an armdrag and follows up with a clothesline. Right, right, left. Ace tags in Gary and they both give Vault a dropkick. Vault slides over and tags to Dirtbag. Dirtbag charges and gets met with a standing sidekick. Gary with a suplex and then a buttdrop for a 1 count. Gary off the ropes hits a legdrop for another 1 count. Dirtbag rakes the eyes and bodyslams Gary. Dirtbag slaps on a headlock to buy some time. Gary back up, hits some elbows, but Dirtbag punches him in the head. Dirtbag tags into Vault and they hit a doubleteam suplex for a 2 until Ace breaks it up. Ace nails Dirtbag but Vault tosses him to the outside. Dirtbag goes to the outside and works on Ace as Vault goes to the top. Vault dives off but Gary hits a superkick and Vault staggers to the corner. Gary goes for the broncobuster but Vault puts the foot up and Gary gets lowblowed. Vault goes for a piledriver, but Gary counters with a double leg takedown into a slingshot. Vault hits the post and Gary puts him in the Fruit Rollup. 1, 2, 3. Happy Go Luckies win. (5:02 Pinfall - *)

Chris York is in the back talkin to Lars Douglas as they both go over papers and forms. Douglas makes some wiseass jokes of course but it's all business and nothing more.


LIGHTNING(with Carmen) vs SIMON DIAMOND(with Dawn Marie) - Simon charges Lightning and they both brawl on the apron. Lightning gets the advantage and hits a clothesline. Simon ducks a right hand and hits an atomic drop. Right, right, left, Simon knocks down Lightning with an elbow. Simon hits a chinlock. Lightning gets back to his feet and backs Simon into the corner then lowblows him. Lightning with a DDT for a 2 count. Lightning with a bodyslam and follows up with a standing legdrop for a 2. Snap suplex for another 2. Lightning goes up top but Simon catches him up there and superplexes him. Both guys are down. Lightning gets up at 8 and goes towards Simon. Simon blocks a right hand and hits one of his own. Right, left, off the ropes with a clothesline. Simon charges and hits another clothesline. Simon tosses Lightning over the top rope and follows him to the outside. Lightning kicks Simon in the midsection and dumps him chest first into the guardrail. Lightning tosses Simon back into the ring and hits a kneelift then follows up with a bulldog. 2 count on Simon. Before anything else happens Shane Douglas makes his way out to the ring and tosses a chain into the ring as Dawn Marie distracts the ref. Simon goes to swing, but Lightning ducks and drops him with a clothesline. Carmen runs over to Dawn Marie and spears her to the ground and now there's a catfight on the outside. As that's going on, Lightning picks up the chain and decks Simon with it. The ref turns around and sees it, then calls for the bell as Lightning gets DQ'ed. (6:45 DQ - *3/4) Lightning tries to tell the referee that Simon was going to use it first but the referee isn't buying into it. In frustration, Lightning SUPERKICKS the referee. Douglas charges the ring and gives Lightning a Franchiser. Carmen runs into the ring and jumps on Douglas' back, but Douglas tosses her off and gives HER a Franchiser. Simon gets up and starts to beat down Lightning, but then Justin Lawless charges the ring with a chair as Douglas and Simon hightail out of there.

As we get back, Enforcer is lookin over to Carmen as Lawless and Lightning pace around the room looking to break something. Enforcer says, "Guys, cool down...Don't worry, I'll take care of this shit soon enough."


As we get back, Enforcer is seen making his way to the concession stand. He's gonna take care of things with a beer??

JOSH STORM(with Ms. Vixen) vs JUSTIN LAWLESS(with Crystal and a plug for D-Day live on Pay Per View for only 24.95) for the BOW Bloody Title - Storm and Lawless lock it up in the ring and exchange armbars. Storm armdrags out and Lawless drop toeholds Storm. Both back to their feet. Minor chain wrestling sequence ends with Storm locking in a headscissors with Lawless kipping out of it. Lawless chops Storm and Storm returns with a chop of his own. Storm hits another chop and kicks Lawless into the corner. Storm with an irish whip. Lawless ducks an elbow and gives Storm a standing dropkick. Storm rolls to the outside to stall. Storm tries to get into the ring but as Lawless charges, Storm jumps back to the floor to stall for more time. Lawless walks towards Storm and Storm pulls Lawless to the outside. Storm goes for a right, but Lawless ducks and hits a clothesline. Lawless drags Storm back into the ring and stomps a mudhole into his chest. Lawless hits a snap suplex and rolls back up. Lawless goes for another suplex. Storm counters into a go behind. Storm goes for a German suplex but Lawless blocks. Storm counters Lawless' go behind attempt with another wrap around and finally hits a German suplex for a 2 count. Storm does a double leg takedown and goes for the Stormlock but Lawless counters with a rollup for a 2. Another wraparound results in a leglock on Storm. Storm rolls around, slides the leg over, and locks on the Stormlock!! Lawless goes for the ropes, but Storm pulls him back. Storm wrenches in the hold even deeper as Lawless yells in pain but isn't tapping out. Lawless is starting to fade as the referee checks in. Lawless is out as the referee checks the arm. The arm drops once, twice, three times. It's over, Storm wins the match as Lawless is out. (7:56 Submission - **) The referee tells Storm to break the hold, but he refuses to do so. Storm breaks it, but then decks the referee. Storm goes back to Lawless, and locks it in AGAIN!! Enforcer is making his way out from the crowd with a referee and Storm doesn't realize it!! Enforcer chairs Storm from behind, picks him up, and jackknifes him!! Enforcer drapes Lawless over Storm and tells the referee to count? 1, 2, 3...Urm, we have a new KFC Hardcore Champion!? Yes, yes in fact we do. Enforcer picks up Lawless and helps him to the back as Storm has not a clue of what just happened.


As we get back, Storm is in the back tossing things in the air wondering where the hell Douglas and Simon were. "Where the hell were you guys??" Douglas says, "Hey, don't look towards us because you lost the KFC title okay?? That's a sign of weakness, and the Triple Threat doesn't need any of that. Besides, you still have what's important, and that's the BOW Bloody Title. We couldn't do anything because we had not a clue of what happened so it's OVER. Now, if you excuse me, I have to make my way out and bring the title home."

Enforcer is in the back preparing for his title match next.


ENFORCER(with Shannon) vs SHANE DOUGLAS(with Francine) for the BOW World Heavyweight Title - Shane nails Enforcer with jabs to the head but it isn't affecting Enforcer at all. Enforcer nails Douglas with knees to the midsection as he works him into the corner. Elbow, elbow, right, right, forearm shot, FIFTEEN punches to the midsection as Douglas folds over like deadmeat. Enforcer charges and Douglas rolls out of the way as Enforcer hits his shoulder on the ringpost. Douglas clips the knee out and pins for a 1 count. Douglas picks up Enforcer and gives him a DDT then goes to the knee again. Douglas goes for a figure four but Enforcer shoves him through the ropes to the outside. Enforcer gets back up and SLINGSHOTS OVER THE TOP!!! Wow. Douglas is flattened as Enforcer rolls him back into the ring. Enforcer goes for a chokeslam, but Douglas lowblows him. Douglas whips Enforcer off the ropes and hits the belly to belly suplex!! 1 count on Enforcer. Douglas picks up Enforcer and hits the Franchiser!! 2 count. Douglas is getting frustrated now as he hit 2 of his finishers and neither of them put Enforcer down. Douglas goes to the top rope and waits for Enforcer to get up. Douglas goes for a double ax handle but Enforcer catches him and gives him a chokeslam. Enforcer signals for the poochiebomb, but then the lights go out. The crowd starts to stir up as they have no a clue what's going on. When the lights come back on, Storm and Simon Diamond are in the ring as they deliver a con-chair-to to Enforcer. The referee calls for the bell as Enforcer wins by DQ. (6:00 DQ - *1/2) Storm and Simon beat down Enforcer as Lightning and Lawless make their way down to the ring. Lightning and Lawless brawl with Storm and Simon as both Enforcer and Douglas get back up and they to exchange punches. Lightning goes for a superkick, but Douglas ducks and drops Lightning with a Franchiser. About 15 referees come out to break everything up but it's not stopping what's going on one bit. Enforcer powerbombs a referee!!! Chris York makes his way out of the eisle and grabs a microphone. "STOP IT!! GOD DAMNIT STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! You guys aren't about to cause harm to each other before the PPV and...STOP IT!!" They're not listening. "If you don't stop it right now you can forget about the PPV cause all SIX of you will be suspended until further notice." Enforcer picks up a microphone. "Whatcha gonna do, suspend the six guys that are holding this organization together?? Without us, there wouldn't even BE a Bloody Online Wrestling. So go ahead, there's plenty of other places already needing our services and we'll be glad to take the vacation." York mumbles fuck to himself and says, "Well that's just great, just like Brimstone...Just like Cain, just like any of those QUITTERS you just wanna walk out that way eh?" All six guys are in the ring as this picture is odd to behold cause seconds ago they were beating each other down. "No, it's not gonna be that way. I know that all six of you could care less about me. Enforcer, we've kicked each others asses in the past and well Storm I just whipped your ass everytime we were in the ring so I'll say this. I don't want excuses. I don't want people to blame others for losses. There's not gonna be any of that. It's gonna be DECISIVE come this Sunday. Lightning and Justin Lawless, you two have had a threshold on the tag titles that's been because of facing worthless teams such as Raizin Hell. Well, not this Sunday. You two, will face off against the guys standing next to you Shane Douglas and Simon Diamond. But there's a catch, as this will be a best out of three. Justin Lawless, hopefully your boo boo given by Storm will he healed cause you'll be facing Simon Diamond in a KFC Hardcore Title match!! Lightning, you too will be in a match. This one will be against Shane Douglas. If Douglas and Simon win their respective matches, not only will Diamond be the KFC Champion, but BOTH will be the tag team champions. If DX wins their respective bouts, they too will retain their belts. But say that after two matches neither team have won both. Then in the third match, there will be a world tag team title LADDER MATCH come this Sunday!!! Now, got that out of the way. Onto Enforcer and Storm. I've been getting alot of complaints about people getting screwed and whatnot. Just so everything will be down the middle, here's what I plan to do. I already said it, Enforcer and Storm, neither of you like me and I feel the same. So in that case there's no bias. This will be down the middle in the 60 minute iron man match cause I...will BE...the SPECIAL REFEREE!! Have a good time boys...and oh yeah, my time here is done, thank you very much." As York leaves the ring, the respective factions look towards each other. The Triple Threat leave the ring as the camera looks towards Lawless, Lightning, and Enforcer. The camera cuts off.

End of Show.