Welcome to Stepping out of the Shadows, home for the not-so-popular heroes and villains of the X-Men universe. Please drop me a line if you have any pics, bios, or suggestions, or just wanna say hello. Sorry for the infrequent updates. ~Icewing

May 17th: Another "non-update:" I just want all (six) of you to check out The North Crusade, dedicated to Maverick. It's a great site.

April 29th: Been a while, right? Well, the MIA section is getting a massive overhaul, so stay tuned for that. Also, I'm sorry to report that the forum is no longer available. Check out The Mutant Underground instead. And, good news: it looks like Angelfire isn't shutting this site down! Anyway, stay tuned for further updates.

March 19th: Well, there's only bad news to report today. First, Lycos, which owns Angelfire, has been shutting down fansites of all types with no apparent reason, so this site may be gone soon. Due to this, a new poll has been created, asking you to tell me where to put this site up, when/if it does get shut down. And, next, the guestbook that is currently used on this site has begun charging for the use of its service, so the link has been taken down. Stay tuned for further updates.

March 3rd: This isn't really an update. I just wanted to let everyone know that there is finally a Pyro website, and it's damn good. Since the Pyro section here isn't overly concise, I figured you Allerdyce fans would get more out of going to this new site than by coming here. So, check it out: Pyro: The Mutant Master of Fire. Till next time, True Believers.

February 11th: Wow, almost a month has gone by again. Well, this time the poll was updated, as was the MIA section. If you want anyone added to the aforementioned section, just e-mail me.

January 14th: Damn, has it been a month already? Well, anyone, I'm back with a new section! Check it out by clicking here!

December 15th: Heh. Two updates a month, whoda thunk it? Anyway, I got a new poll and a new question (!) for the site. Check it out, my friends. More updates soon...maybe.

December 05th: Sorry it's been so long since the last update. Anyway, a very sad thing has happened recently: Pyro was killed in the pages of Cable during the Dream's End event. His bio's been updated.

October 09th: I changed the X-Links section to The Petition Page because there were mostly petitions on the page anyway. A couple links were also deleted. The ancient poll, too, has been deleted. Expect a new one before the new year...I hope...

Septemer 16th: Well, it's finally happened! The page has been updated. It's not as grand as I had planned, but the bios for Annalee, Cerise, Daytripper, Healer, and Kylun have all been updated/changed slightly. Stay tuned for more updates, including a new section. ~Icewing

Where should SOOTS be hosted next?


The Heroes

The Villains



The Petition Page

Stepping Out of the Shadows was created by Scott McGuirk and is now maintained by Icewing. The X-Men and all associated character names and likeness are TM and copyright 1963 - 2000 Marvel Entertainment Group, and are used without permission. Created for fan entertainment purposes only. All images on this site are original scans - please ask before using 'em! Site best viewed at 800x600 resoloution with papyrus and verdana fonts.