• Forearm •

Real name: Michael McCain

Place of birth:

Height: 5 foot 11

Weight: 185 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

First appearance: New Mutants #87

Other appearances: New Mutants #100 X-Force #1,7,9,10,16,43,annual 4 X-Factor #77,78,85 X-Men #14,15

Power: Well, with 4 arms I'd consider you to be pretty strong. So in his case, I'll let you be the judge on his powers.

Note: Forearm isn't really, well, bad. He's kinda nice. He was also a good friend to Moonstar whenever she was part of the M.L.F.

Currently: Yup. You guessed it. He's still with the M.L.F.

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