• Maggott •

Real name: Japheth

Place of birth: South Africa

Height: 6 foot 8

Weight: 350 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: White

First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #345

Other appearances: Uncanny X-Men #350,352,353,354,355,368 X-Men #72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79 Alpha Flight (2nd)#9 Generation X #48,49

Power: Maggott's power is an odd one to say the least. Two slugs, named Eenie and Meanie, act as his intestines and eat anything. He can absorb them and becomes blue and strong as a result.

Note: Magneto was the one who freed the slugs from Japheth's skin when Maggott was young and seemed to be suffering from an eating disorder.

Currently: His whereabouts are unknown.

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