• Masque •

Real name: Unknown

Place of birth: Unknown

Height: Very short

Weight: 140 lbs.

Eyes: Red

Hair: Considering he never took off his hood, our only guess is that he has no hair.

First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169

Other appearances: Uncanny X-Men #170,176,178,179,195,254,259,262,263 Power Pack #12 X-Factor #11,12,13,15,16 New Mutants #91,99,100 X-Force #6,7,9,10

Power: Masque can alter the appearance of people's face and body parts.

Note: Although Masque can alter appearances, he cannot alter his own horrible scars.

Currently: Shatterstar killed him in a slow, gruesome death. He stuck the points of his swords in him, lifted them up, and let him slide down. Eeeww.

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