Place of birth: Unknown
Height: 6 foot 2
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men #19
Other appearances: Uncanny X-Men #26, 27, 28, 29, 363, 364 X-Force #45, 46, 52 Excalibur #122, 123, 124, 125 X-Men #83 Marvel Comics Present #57, 58, 59, 60, 61 Hulk #161 X-51 #2
Power: Mimic has control of all of the powers of the original X-Men and was able to take on the powers of any mutants in his vacinity.
Note: Mimic's powers are the result of an experiment his father did. He is not actually a mutant.
Currently: It appears Calvin was not asked to join Mystique's new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
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