• Post •

Real name: Kevin Tremain

Place of birth: Unknown

Height: 8 foot 3

Weight: 2010 lbs. (and I'm not exagerating!)

Eyes: Red

Hair: None

First appearance: X-Men #50

Other appearances: Uncanny X-Men #363, 364 Avengers #402 X-Men #83 Cable #72 X-51 #2

Power: Post has enhanced strength, power pods, bio-cannons, and a cloaking device.

Note: Post was Onslaught's henchman. All his powers, with the exception of his strength, were gifts.

Currently: Post seems to be residing in the Morlock tunnels.

Update: Post recently appeared alongside Avalanche, Mastermind II, and the Blob in Cable, trying to assassinate Senator Kelly, but they were stopped.

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