• D'Spayre •

Real name: D'Spayre(?)

Place of birth: Unknown

Height: 6 feet 3

Weight: Unknown

Eyes: Black with white pupils

Hair: None

First appearance: Marvel Team-Up #68

Other appearances: Uncanny X-Men #144, Cloak & Dagger (Vol.3) #31-33, Excalibur #35, Juggernaut one-shot

Powers: D'Spayre can cause extreme fear and anguish by his victims. He uses the victims' own fear and anguish against them. He his a super human class 10!!

Note: D'Spayre's sister is X-Men foe Spite.

Currently: After being defeted by Juggernaut and Spite, D'Spayre hasn't been seen since.

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