• Spiral •

Real name: Ricochet Rita

Place of birth: Created on the world of Mojo by Mojo.

Height: 5 feet 10

Weight: Unknown

Eyes: Light blue

Hair: Silver

First appearance: Longshot #1

Some other appearances: Excalibur #109, Beast #1-3, Uncanny X-Men Annual #10

Powers: Spiral has 6 arms, and uses these arms to cast her spells. She is a scorceress. She can dance between dimensions by using her magic spells.

Note: Spiral took Psylocke and Kwannon (Revanche) into her body shoppe, and bonded them together, onlt to split them into two distinctly new personalities.

Currently: Spiral bears the mark of the Crimson Dawn. She helped Excalibur rescue Captain Britain when the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn took him.

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