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terrtwos blessings

Hi everyone, May God bless You! Thankyou so much for dropping by! My name is Vandy, short for Vandala. My husband Dale and my daughter Hope and I live in the northern corner of South Carolina. We have a little acerage with many animals, trees and a pond with fish. We attend Nine Forks Baptist Church near our home. Yes I love angels, although I do not worship them. The angels have no power without God. I do not believe I have just one specific guardian angel because God gave us many angels in times of need, protecting us, helping us, challenging us, and even chastising us as God directs them, but I worship God first and foremost. You must recognize God first and not just the angel. Did you know that is the same as idolotry? The Angels love and worship God and would not want us to worship them, but the God they were made for!

My little family may not be fancy, but we're happy and we feel blessed. I love reading, crafts and religious study. My daughter is almost 14 now and the light of my life. She is adopted and will be our only one, she is such a blessing! We miscarried in March of 1999, see 'Samuels page'click hereto see a tribute for those who have lost loved ones! I also enjoy bible research and love to find scripture to answer biblical questions. challenge me, if there is a burning question about life, love, or a certain verse you need email me, and I'l get an answer back as soon as I can! MAY GOD BLESS YOU TODAY, Ask him into your life, if you havent.
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