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for the love of Samuel

I dedicate this page to all the moms out there who have lost a baby, at 1 week gestation to stillborn,to SIDS and beyond...

It doesnt matter how long you've carried a baby, it still hurts when there's a loss......

I lost Samuel at 8 1/2 weeks gestation, but in my heart, he was a full term baby, so I think of him that way......

......this is how i picture him, safe, sound and with God.........


I thought of you and closed my eyes; and prayed to God today I asked what makes a Mother and I know I heard him say.. A Mother has a baby, this we know is true. But God can you be a Mother, when your baby's not with you?

Yes you can, he replied with confidence in his voice I give many women babies, when they leave is not their choice. Some I send for a lifetime; and others for a day And some I send to feel your womb, but there's no need to stay.

I just don't understand this God, I want my baby here He took a breath and cleared his throat; and then I saw a tear. I wish I could show you, what your child is doing today If you could see your child smile with other kids and say "We go to earth to learn our lessons of Love and Life and Fear, My Mommy Loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here..

I feel so lucky to have a Mom, who had so much love for me I learned my lesson very quickly, My mommy set me free. I miss my Mommy oh so much but I visit her each day when she goes to sleep, on her pillow's where I lay.

I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek; and whisper in her ear Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here." So you see my dear sweet one, your children are okay Your babies are here in my home; And this is where they'll stay. They'll wait for you with me, until your lesson is through And on the day that you come home; they'll be at the gates for you.

So, now you see what makes a Mother, it's the feeling in your heart It's the Love you had so much of; right from the very start.


Samuels's sister Hope
......adoption is a wonderful alternative, we found Hope two yrs. ago, what a blessing she's been to us......she is and will always be my first born........ //////////////////////////////////////// /////

Sometimes I ask the question, "My Lord, is this your will?"

It's then I hear you answer me, "My Precious Child ... be still."

Sometimes I feel frustrated, cause I think I know what's best. It's then I hear you say to me, "My Busy Child ... just rest"

Sometimes I feel so barren and I think I'd like another babe. Your still small voice gets oh so clear and says, "My Child ... please wait"

"I know the plans I have for you, the wondrous things you'll see; If you can just be patient, Child, and put your trust in me.

I've plans to draw you closer. I've plans to help you grow. There's much I do you cannot see and much you do not know.

But know This, Child ..... I LOVE YOU. You are Precious unto Me. Before I formed you in the womb, I planned your destiny. I've something very special I hope for you to learn.

The gifts I wish to give to you are gifts you cannot earn. They come without a price tag, but not without a cost; at Calvary, I gave My Son, so You would not be lost.

Rest Child, and do not weary of doing what is good. I promise I'll come back for you just like I said I would.

Your name is written on my palm, I never could forget; Therefore, do not be discouraged when my answer is... "Not Yet" ~Author Unknown~ /////////////////////////////////////

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