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Scotland's Independence Day !

There are over 190 sovereign countries in the world. A great number of these countries have been "born" since the second world war. (See List at link below) Those who decry nationalism should realise we are living through its "high noon". In Scotland the nationalist movement wants to give Scotland normal status. Scottish nationalism is friendly, democratic and dynamic. Independence is sought for economic and cultural reasons.

The recent devolution settlement is not good enough for Scotland as it maintains the "master and servant" relationship between Scotland and England. Successive Prime Ministers have tailored their party's economic policy to the needs of the South East of England electorate and Scots have been expected to accept the negative consequences for Scotland. For example, in the ten year period between 1981 and 1991 Scotland always had worse unemployment than England. Similarly, Scotland has had to host the dangerous trident submarines and unsafe nuclear waste at Dounraey. This is not a partnership of equals and it needs to change.

There are other reason why Scotland should function as an independent country. With Scotland having a different education system, law/legal system and church it is fair to say that England and Scotland are not very compatible. Greater protection is needed for the gaelic language and old Scots. Even Scottish pound notes are different!. Yet is the Committee of the Bank of England that decides our economic fate and central government who dictates how key policies should proceed (student fees of course), and Prime Ministers (who rarely set foot in Scotland) that determine our future.

There are those who claim Scotland could not survive without her southern neighbour. However, Scotland could survive and indeed prosper. AS part of the Uk Scotland has living standards below other comparable European countries. A OECD report suggests Scotland could be "the 7th richest country in the world" but as part of the United Kingdom we are currently 17th. The evidence suggests an independent Scotland would be a successful Scotland. Incidentally, in other countries there are no Danes arguing for Denmark would be better off being in union with Sweden and Norway, no Luxembourger who wants unification with France or Southern Irish politicians who want Ireland back into the United Kingdom.

Any doubters should remember that Scotland has a head start over other small nations. The vast natural resources of oil and gas can bring prosperity. Fishing, forestry, water, agriculture and tourism are among the other assets that would make Scotland an economic success.

Freedom will allow Scotland to become more internationally minded and outgoing than colonial-minded Britain allows. Independence would give Scottish citizens the right to choose their own government. One which works full-time for Scotland's interests and is free from the tight reins of Westminster. Government Ministers in the modern independent Scotland would be promoting the interests of all residents of the nation. In addition, an independent Scotland would be entitled to send 8 more MEPs to the European Parliament in Brussels. As European representation becomes increasingly important Scotland would be represented for the first-time ever by true voice in European affairs rather than the current whimper. Scotland's independence day must come soon.

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