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Carbohydrate Mimicry of the Parasite in Host-Parasite systems

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Mytilus haemolymph is very toxic for trematode larvae

Life cycles of the White Sea Trematodes

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Molluscan Comparative Immunology (MCI) Group

Tatiana G. Shaposhnikova

PhD,  Assistent Professor of Dept. of Cytology & Histology, Biology & Soil Science Faculty of St.-Petersburg State University
Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, St.-Petersburg, 199034, RUSSIA
(812) 328-96-87
Current Projects:

Optimization of methods on in vitro cultivation of Himasthla, Renicola and Criptocotyle parthenites.

Secretory-excretory proteins (SEP) fractioning.


Shaposhnikova T.G., Nekrasova N.N., Podgornaya O.I., Napara T.O. Morphological and immunohistochemical investigation of test cells during oogenesis and embrionic development of ascidian Molgula citrina. Vestnik SPbGU, 2000, Ser. 3, N 11, P. 56-60. (in Russian).

Shaposhnikova T.G., Podgornaya O.I. Antibodies with specificity to ascidian morula cells’ proteins recognize test cells. Tsytologia, 1999, V. 41, N 11, P. 952-957. (in Russian).

Podgornaya O.I., Shaposhikova T.G. Antibodies with the cell-type specificity to the morula cells from haemolymph of ascidian Styela rustica, Cell Structure and Function, 1998. 23, 349-355.

Napara T.O., Oskol'sky A.A., Shaposhnikova T.G., Chaga O.Yu. Mesogleal cells of Aurelia aurita (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa). III. An autoradiographic analysis of the synthesis of extracellular matrix of mesoglea. Tsytologia, 1996, v.38, N 4/5, 465-474. (in Russian)

Shaposhnikova T.G., Chaga O.Yu. Investigation of haemocytoblast' mitotic cycle structure of ascidian Molgula citrina. Tsytologia, 1984, v.26, N 10, 995-1001. (in Russian)

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Alexander M. Gorbushin ....
Tatiana G. Shaposnikova ....
Nadya V. Yakovleva ....
Alexander V. Klimovitch ....
Boris V. Klimovitch ....
Vera Shirokova ....

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Last update: August 25, 2002