~~A Nurse's Prayer~~
Lord, please help me to bring
Comfort where there is pain
Courage when there is fear
Hope where there is despair
Acceptance when the end is near
A touch gentle with tenderness,
patience and love
So, you want to know why I became a
nurse, huh ?
Maybe it's because......
1. Pays better than McDonald's (though
the hours aren't as good.)
2. Fashionable shoes and sexy
3. Needles: 'tis better to give than to
4. Confidence in reassuring patients
that all bleeding stops ...
5. Opportunity to expose yourself to
rare, exotic, and exciting new diseases.
6. Interesting aromas.
7. Courteous and infallible doctors who
always leave clear orders in perfectly
clear handwriting.
8. Enough charting to navigate around
the world.
9. Celebration of holidays with all your
friends ... at work.
10. Comfort in the knowledge that most
of your patients survive no matter what
you do to them.
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