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<bgsound src="/sc/homeinthesouth/images/butterflykisses.mid"loop=infinite>

Poo's Back Yard  
This is Poo's real domain. He's in the yard working whenever the weather is nice-sometimes even when it's not so nice. He loves to grow flowers, vegetables, grapes and fruit trees. We have a huge back yard so he has gardens scattered everywhere. He especially likes to try things that are not usually grown around here-- like the pineapple.
Of course the yard is also Duke's domain. You can't go into the yard without throwing the ball for Duke a few times. He's getting older now though, and after a few throws he's ready to rest and let you get to work. He's like part of the family.
Come on down the path into the garden and see some of the flowers we have blooming. I'll be adding some vegetables too, and more flowers as they come into bloom. New things will be happening all summer.
Be careful not to trip on the sprinkler.

The garden is graphic intense and takes a minute or two to load.
If you want to see a sample or would like to see a special flower, pick one from the pull down menu and see your choice. (optional)


       Red Rose
White Gladiolus
       Yellow Begonia
      Blue -White
       Brown Iris
       White Glad
       Pink Lily
       White Lily
      Red Tulip
      Pink Begonia
       Purple Anemone
Purple Dutch Iris
       Yellow Dutch Iris
       Lavender Iris
Red Anemone
      Pink Begonia
       White Anemone
      Blue Iris
       Dutch Iris
       Dutch Iris
       Dutch Hyacinths
      White Lily
       Day Lily
And now lets move on to the vegetable garden! We've got lots of vegetables and herbs to show you.Just click on the gate and you'll be there, but please read my credits for this page first!
Welcome Banner From
Cottonwood Designs
by Dakota

Garden Gates from
Pat's Flat

Butterfly from
Fila's Gif Site
With Help from
Gif Works

A special thanks to Jerry
for his Javascript help
Visit his Great Site
Built With Web TV

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Wacky World