Nic rolled over on Daniel's bed and squinted her eyes open. The clock read 4:03pm. Rubbing her eyes she noticed the bed seemed startlingly bigger than it did earlier. Nic looked over and saw the reason the bed seemed bigger, there was no Daniel occupying the space next to her. "Where the hell..." her voice trailed off as she remembered his art classes. Sweep jumped up on the bed and started nudging Nic's foot. "You wanna go out Sweep?" Nic asked the dog as if she really understood.

Nic sat up and got out of the bed. She decided instead of just letting Sweep out she'd take her for a walk. It would at least kill some time until Daniel returned, and she wasn't really in the mood to go home just yet. Sweep jumped around Nic's legs as she retrieved the leash from under a pile of clothes. "Ugh," she muttered in disgust. "Dan's really got some laundry to do."

"Anyway, what's this about Spiderdan?" Daniel asked Sarah as they worked on their sketches. She paused thoughtfully. "Well you invaded Ash's closet and claimed to be Spiderdan. Then Ben kicked your ass cause you kept rambling about him being Batman and you also bit him. Nic also said you were acting pretty strange and trying to climb walls, but I really don't know much about that." she looked at her sketch pad and erased a few lines.

"Hmmm." Daniel couldn't think of anything else to say. In his mind he furiously tried to recall being Spiderdan but he couldn't, which made him mad. "So did I do anything else worth mentioning?" Sarah laughed. "Not that I remember. But I didn't see much of you either. Ask Nic, if you were acting weird I'm sure she'd know."

Ben overheard their conversation and snorted. "Johns you were acting like a real moron last night. But I won't go into it right now. You might get embarassed." He smiled the way a shark might at its prey. Daniel rolled his eyes and thought it might be better for him if he didn't remember what went on. And if he really wanted to know Nic would probably be a better source. Hell, anyone besides Ben would be.

Rachel stared at Chris from across the table. She hoped she wasn't being obvious. "So, Rachel, were you at Ash's party last night?" Chris couldn't help staring at the girl's breasts. To him they were utterly fascinating.

"Well no, I decided not to go. I wasn't in the mood." That was a total lie, the real reason she hadn't been there was because she and Ash didn't get on well. Chris looked surprised. "Wow. I thought all of Merewether was there. Sure as hell seemed like it anyway." he was distracted as the waitress came over with two glasses of water and menus. "Hiya, anything to drink?" she asked perkily.

"I'll have a diet Coke." Rachel told her. Chris ordered a Mountain Dew. The waitress recorded their soda orders and disappeared into the back. "Now where were we?" Chris grinned at her.

Rachel's mind was racing. He's actually paying attention to me!! I can't believe how well this is going. Take that Kaytea. The waitress reappeared with their sodas and placed them in the center of the table. Chris immediately grabbed for his and took a long drink. "So, tell me a little about yourself.."

Sitting naked in front of an art class was certainly a little more nerve racking then Ben had originally thought. The longer the class went on the more uncomfortable he began to feel with all those eyes staring at him, scrutinizing every part of his body. Not that he was getting self-conscious, Ben Gillies, self-conscious? Never!!

But nonetheless those eyes were starting to bother him.

Daniel furiously erased at his sketchbook. Drawing Ben was a lot harder than he anticipated. He couldn't decide whether it was just Ben that was giving him trouble, or the human form in general. He figured it was most likely just Ben. Glancing over at Sarah, he took notice of her drawing. It looked incredibly lifelike and there didn't seem to be a single mistake on the page. Lucky her.

He checked his watch. Only twenty more minutes. Wonderful. Sticking out his tongue slightly, Daniel begrudgingly went back to work sketching his naked bandmate.

Stepping into the direct sunlight made Nic immediately shield her eyes with her hand. "Aww fuck." she muttered to herself as Sweep began pulling at the leash. At least one of them was happy to be outside.

After getting over the initial shock of brightness Nic started to enjoy taking Sweep around the neighbourhood, although she didn't much like the stares she got from a few of the females she passed. It pissed her off slightly that everyone from Newie High disliked her because she was friends with *gasp* silverchair. Her dating Daniel certainly didn't put her in a more favourable position either. But since she disliked everyone else about the same as they did her it wasn't much of a big deal. Moreso a stupid nusiance she had to put up with occasionally.

She reached the beach and plopped down on a dune. Sweep started digging around in the sand and kept tugging the leash towards the water. "No Sweep, I'm not in the mood to chase you around the ocean today, just chill out." As if she understood, Sweep laid down in the sand next to Nic, who began petting her back. A half hour passed before they got up and were on their way back to the Johns household. Nic wondered if Daniel would be back when they got there.

