Surprise, surprise...

Hours later, Sarah woke up to her alarm. It was 2:30 pm. Her first day of art school started in an hour. She wanted to look good when she went and she wanted to get prepped. Her teacher had told her that the class was starting a drawing session using nude bodies and so she wanted to get herself ready for that. She hadn't seen a nude body since....

She laughed. Since last night. But she hadn't exactly been concerned about drawing that body. But now that she thought about it, she wouldn't mind drawing that body naked either. Maybe one day she'd ask Ben if she could use him for some practice. But knowing him, she'd have to "pay" him somehow.

"Sarah! You better get going if you want to get to class on time!" her mum yelled from down the stairs. She gave herself a quick glance in the mirror and decided she better get ready.

"No, Nic, I don't want you to lick my ear." Daniel said groggily as his beloved dog Sweep attempted to wake up Daniel. Finally Daniel decided to push "Nic" away. "Hmm...I think you need a haircut, Nic" Daniel said, waking up. Sweep licked Daniel's face completely, which caused Daniel to cringe. "Aw, Sweep, I was out late last night and...oh shit!" Daniel exclaimed, looking at the clock. It was 3:15 p.m. and his art class was slated to start in fifteen minutes, and it took that long to get there. Grabbing his keys, he took a semi-quick glance in the mirror to make sure nothing was hanging out of his nose or anything like that, and he rushed out the door.
Ben parked his car outside the brick building. "3:28" his watch read. Right on time. He told Melinda he'd be there right at 3:30. She had said she'd be inside, so he headed in. He went straight to the front desk. "I'm here to see Melinda." he said. The old lady looked up and frowned. "Are you sure she wants to see you?" the lady said cranky, eyeing his mohawk. He smiled curtly and nodded. She rolled her eyes and lifted her wrinkly finger. "First door on the left." He smiled sweetly at her and walked to the door.

He opened the door and smiled at the small petite girl in the corner. "Hey Melinda!" she turned around and smiled joyfully. "Ben I'm so glad you could make it." She walked over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I can't thank you enough for doing this. You're the only person I know that would." He smiled. "No problem. Now, what do I need to do?" She smiled. "Just follow me".

Daniel looked at his pager as he locked his car door. 3:32 p.m. He hoped class hadn't started yet. Ms. Marchesky had a way of making him feel bad when he came late. He rushed in and to his luck, class hadn't started. He started his way to the back, as he usually did, but was stopped by a short familar girl.

"Daniel! I didn't know you were into art also!" Sarah said. Daniel smiled. "Yeah, I guess it comes with the territory. Didn't think I'd make it, though." She smirked. "Yeah, I'm surprised you're still awake, Spiderdan." Daniel frowned. "Spiderdan?" Sarah dropped her jaw. "You don't remember that?" He shook his head. She laughed. "Oh, Dan, I have lots to tell you about, then. Here," she grabbed his wrist and started leading him to the front, "sit next to me and I'll start telling you."

Daniel put his stuff on the table, right next to where she was sitting, and turned to listen. "So, what's this about Spiderdan?" Sarah was about to talk when Ms. Marchesky walked out.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm sorry I'm late. I had to get the model ready for today. As you all know, we're starting our study of the human body. Today I have a friend who volunteered to model for the class. It's a male, so all you males in class, I'm sorry, but suck it up, and maybe if you're nice, next week I'll have a female." "Well, looks like I lucked out for the first day, eh?" Sarah whispered to Daniel. He nodded.

"Ready?" Ms. Marchesky called out to the room. "Yeah!" a familar voice said. Sarah frowned. Where did she know that voice from? She turned to ask Daniel, but before she could say anything, she saw that Daniel had the same perplexed look on his face. "Recognize the voice also?" she asked and he nodded.

Melinda Marchesky opened the door and out walked a quite naked Ben. He strutted out and took his place on the stool.

Daniel's mouth dropped. "Oh no way!" he shrieked, closing his eyes. Sarah's eyes grew and lit up. "Oh yeah!" she said. Ben turned his attention to the front row. There he saw a happy Sarah and a freaking out Daniel. He walked over to their table and said "Hey babies..."

Daniel pushed his sketch pad off the table and turned his back to Ben. "I will NOT draw Ben naked, Ms. Marchesky." Sarah smiled and raised her hand. Melinda pointed to her. "Yes, Sarah?" Daniel turned to Sarah, who was smiling. "I think Ben makes a good choice. He's very muscular, so that adds to the detail we can elaborate on." Daniel gave Sarah a quite evil look. Ms. Marchesky nodded. "Yes, I agree," she glared at Daniel, "Daniel, as I said before, suck it up. Besides, you leave this class, and that's your last allowed absence. You'll be dropped from this class." At this point, Ben had already returned to the stool, and the rest of the class was already sketching Ben's quite naked self, Sarah included. Daniel looked at Melinda, then, wincing, at Ben, who winked at him. He shuddered. "Fine." he said stubbornly. He picked his sketch book up off the floor and started to draw (unwillingly) his naked buddy.

It was 4:01. "She's late." Chris said. He had told Kayt to meet him outside Lunching Time at 4pm. He was well aware that it was only a minute after four, but whenever Kayt and him were to get together, she was always fifteen minutes early. He was turning around to leave when this girl ran right into him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said. Chris looked at the girl. The first thing he noticed was her skirt. He was tempted to ask her why she bothered wearing one, because there was barely a skirt there. However, with her legs, he didn't ask. As he worked his way up, he saw a quite shapely girl. He wondered why he hadn't seen her before. "Oh, that's ok. What's your name?" he asked. She smiled. "My name's Rachel. What's yours?" He smiled back. "I'm Chris. Where are you going right now?" she shrugged. "Oh, I was going to grab a bite to eat. I'm by myself though.. would you like to join me?" He grinned. "Sure!" He opened the door for her, and she walked in..

...with the biggest look of satisfaction on her face. She couldn't believe it worked. That whole running into him thing worked. Rachel was in love with Chris. And finally, he knew who she was. She had had a class with him their last year, and everyday she had watched him. However, she had never got the guts to talk to him. Well, over the summer, she became friends with Kaytea, and found out that they were dating. Speed up to this morning. Kayt had called Rachel to tell her about last night, and since she had heard about the whole Jamie ordeal, she deduced that Chris was open to side-relationships. Opportunity knocked. When Kayt told Rachel that her and Chris had plans, Rachel knew she had to sabotage it. And she did. She called Chris, using her best Kayt voice, and changed their meeting time from 5:00 to 4:00. And so there they were. "Sit, madam" he smiled at her, pulling out the chair for her. Oh yes..It was a good afternoon.

