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Slide Show Tutorial
by Minimoo

#1.The Frameset Page

The first page will be your "frames" page.
Make a page and put ONLY this on it.......NOTHING ELSE!
(msntv pagebuilder users only read THIS also)

The TITLE you put on this page will show on all pages, through out the slide show! OR - SEE Update on this BELOW for how to have a different title on status bar for each page!

#2.   Make your first slide page and all other pages in your show like this.

UPDATE; use this page code inplace of the one above if you would like a different title for each slide to show in the status bar.
NOTE: the use of "script" in place of "title".

Tags, what they do, how to use them.

Always used both link tags on every page.
The LINK href tag, calls up the next page. Same as an

<a href= does when used as a clickable link. <LINK HREF="URL here"rel="next"></plaintext> <br> The META is a 'pre-load' tag, used to pre-load the next page, while viewing the current one.<br><plaintext> <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"CONTENT="08;URL=URLhere"> ..... adjust the "08; to the number of seconds needed.</plaintext> <p> SOUND:<br> put the sound on the page you want it to start on ...... it will play untill the next sound code.<br> DO NOT put sound codes on every page .... ONLY for sound changes. Adjust loop=2, to the amount needed. ie: loop=1, loop=3 etc. <p> SOUND TAGS:<br> BGSOUND tag is for Microsoft browsers and the EMBED tag is for Netscape browsers. Webtv is able to read both. Always use one of each.<br> Please note: loop= should be the same in both bgsound and embed tags or sound WILL NOT LOOP on most servers. (the loop=true in embed tag no longer works) <p> COLOR:<br> change color="#s" to yours.... <p> IMAGES:<br> Be sure to optimize all gifs & jpgs and add width and height attributes so they load in quickly. Full page images should be sized to 544 Wide X 360 High. <p> <center><img src="../bg/marmint.jpg"width="350" height="10"> </center> <p> #3. <br> On the last page of the slide show, you can leave off the META refresh tag. I usually put a link to my Home Page,on the last slide. <p> This is the last code.<br> It is a "BREAK OUT OF FRAMES CODE".<br> Put this code in the HEAD tag of your HOME PAGE. <p> <form><font color=#2F4F4F"> <textarea bgcolor="ivory" text="#2F4F4F" rows="4" cols="35"cursor=#FFFFFF autoactivate usestyle> <!---Break out of frames code---> <SCRIPT> <!-- if (window != top) top.location.href = location.href; //--> </SCRIPT> </textarea></form>   <p><center> <img src="../bg/marmint.jpg"width="350" height="10"></center> <p> Comments:<br> It is my opinion that when making a slide, all pics and text should <u>"fit ON the screen" without having to scroll.</u> With the exception of the last page.<br> NOTE; Some servers have been known to disable META TAGS!...(the now gone was one) should this happen, replace the meta tag with this JavaScript code. <xmp> <script> setTimeout("document.location='nextPage.html';",10000); </script></xmp> <p><center> <img src="../bg/marmint.jpg"width="350" height="10"> <p> I gained most of my knowledge, right from the "slide show master"<Br> ~ ~ Jerry Hollingshead ~ ~<Br> MY Slide Show Mentor!!!<Br> Thank you Jerry, for always being there for me. <p> <img src="../bg/marmint.jpg"width="350" height="10"> <p><font size="5">~ My Slide Shows ~ <p><a href=""> Valentine's Day</a> <p><a href=""> Easter Week </a> <p><a href="">Memorial Day</a> <p> <img src="../bg/marmint.jpg"width="350" height="10"> <p> For a different kind of challenge try my<Br> <font size=5>Vertical Slide Show <a href="../tutes/V_SlideTute.html">Tutorial</a> <p> ~Vertical Scroll Slides~ <a href=""> Easter Bunny Land</a> <p> </font> <p> <img src="../bg/marmint.jpg"width="350" height="10"> <p> <A HREF=""><img src="../cow/lilcow.gif"><font size="4"<B>E-mail</A> <a href="index.html">~ My Home Page ~</a> <p><a href="">The QuickFind ~ MsnTV Tools</a> </b></font></center> <p><!--Begin Ultimate Counter code--><center> <a target="_top" href=""> <img src=""> </center></a><!--End Ultimate Counter code--> <p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </td> </tr> </table> <P> </center> </body></html>