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Vertical Slide Show Tutorial
by Minimoo

Before you begin, know that you are in for a challenge! You will need good page building skills, because this (in my opinion) is harder than making a regular slide show. The Vertical Slide Show is built on 2 pages. The cover page and the auto-scroll page. I will refer to each full screen view as "a screen frame". That is how it will scroll ...... from one full screen view to the next. Should be 6 or more screen frames long.


The first page will be your "intro" page.
Make it like a regular page....... cc&p the code below onto a blank page, edit each line and make necessary changes.


   CC&P the entire page code below.
Go over code carefully and add your BG and colors etc. where I have the ?? marks.
you will notice that I have FONTSIZE=?? in the body tag. In order for the show to run smoothly, replace the ?? with the size that you have YOUR text set for. ie: small,medium or large. Otherwise, if you have your text setting on large and the show is viewed by someone with text setting on small...... the scroll will be 50 or more pixels off!
Timing of screen change can be adjusted, once all of your screen frames are completed. Mine are very graphic, with a few animations, so the time is set the way I use it.

The next screen frame
and every one after that are "full screen frames'and are to be sized to approximately 360 pixels in height. I use a

<BR><HR><BR></plaintext> IN between each frame...... There might be times when you will have to eliminate a BR tag, or add one to adjust frame size for the scroll.<BR><u><b> Here is a <a href="">10 pixel gif</a></u></b> that can be used in a table or as a temporary background graph to help you size each screen frame.<BR> Please transload. <p><center> <img src="../bars/waterlilybar.jpg"width=400 height=10> <p> <font size=5>NOTES:</center><BR>SOUND TAGS: </font><BR> BGSOUND tag is for Microsoft browsers and the EMBED tag is for Netscape browsers. Webtv is able to read both. Always use one of each.<br> Please note: loop= should be the same in both bgsound and embed tags or sound WILL NOT LOOP on most servers. (the loop=true in embed tag no longer works) <p> <font size=5>IMAGES:</font><br> Be sure to optimize all gifs & jpgs and add width and height attributes so they load in quickly,and are compatible with computers. Full screen images should be sized to 544 Wide X 360 High. <p> <center> <img src="../bars/waterlilybar.jpg"width=400 height=10> <p> <font size="5">~ Vertical Slide Shows ~ <p><a href=""> Easter Bunny Village </a> <p> <img src="../bars/waterlilybar.jpg"width=400 height=10> <p> <a href="../tutes/SlideTute.html">Slide Show Tutorial</a></font> <p> <A HREF=""><img src="../images/lilcow.gif"><font size="4"<b>E-mail</A> <a href="index.html">~ My Home Page ~</a> <p><a href="">The QuickFind ~ WebTV Tools</a> </b></font> <p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </body></html>