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What You Gave To Life Was Love and What The Molers Gave To You: Was Loving You Back! From The Mol Cancer Forum


You are the light that guides me through each day, the hands that pull me up when I am drowning. Do you know how much of a difference you have made in my life? I don't know how to write what I feel inside; but my love for all of you is tremendous. greg



There seems a shadow on the day, His smile no longer cheers; A dimness on the stars at night. Like eyes that look through tears. Alone unto our fathers will, One thought hath reconciled; That God whose love excessdeth ours Hath taken home His child. Fold him, O Father! in Thine arms, And let him henceforth be a messenger of love between our human hearts and Thee" ~~~ Frank Cromie ~~~

Five kisses for you upon your head, As you lay recovering in your bed, The first for love, pure and true, The second for admiration, your're true blue! The third for Molers devotion to you, The fourth for hard times we've struggled through. The fifth kiss lingers on your hair,        This kiss is for the years we've shared.


Be it known that all MOLERS who have left us behind and gone onto their next journey. You have left us something of great importance. You showed us the way to trod this path and proved to us that our inner strengths and beliefs will sustain us in life. That each of us have an awesome power with-in us. You have taught us through sharing the beauty of the world in which we live and helped us to understand the beauty that lies with-in our fellow man. When our world was too serious you gave us the light of humor. You showed us gracefulness in order for us to be able to fall and rise above it. You have reached out a gentle hand of help to teach us to do so for others. Yes, dear friends, although you have gone, you remain in our hearts full of love and gladness that you were a part of our from The Molers, of the Mol Cancer Forum

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                             BOB                                     LES                                                                                                   



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GIFTGIVING 2, (Thoes who have shared with us!)

