Sites for Making the Most of The World Wide Web
Perpetual Calendar Find out the day of the week when you were born...all kinds of other uses for this one, too!
Personal Currency Assistant This really wonderful service from Xenon Labs performs conversions...opens in a convenient pop-up window!
How Far Is It? Calculates distance ("as the crow flies") between places around the world--from here to Paris is 4277 miles
MapQuest Get maps, travel guides, detailed driving directions from Point A to Point B, and more!
Temperature converter Converts degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius and Kelvin, and vice versa
HealthSquare Prescription Drug Reference Information about more than 1,000 prescription medications--Taken from the PDR Family Guide to Prescription Drugs
Librarians' Index to the Internet An excellent extensive index to the WWW (searchable)
Bookmarklets Simple tools that enhance your surfing and searching capabilities
Google - Search the Web IMHO, one of the best search engines available
Angelfire - Free Home Pages Create your own website--it's easy, and it's fun!
NCSA--A Beginner's Guide to HTML Whether you choose to start from "scratch," or convert a template page (such as Angelfire's) to HTML, this will offer lots of pointers.
Symbol Table Special symbols (such as é, ©, or ®)for use in HTML coding
Design ColorCenter Use this site to choose colors for your web pages... and see in advance how all the colors work together
Language and Literature Links
The TEFL Farm For teachers and lovers of the English language
Richard Lederer's Verbivore For folks who enjoy
The Linguistic Fun Page The name speaks for itself
Index to the Guide to Grammar and Writing Professor Charles Darling's pages, Capital Community College, Hartford, Connecticut
Bartlett's Quotations Listed by author
Aphorisms Galore! Adages indexed by author or by category
Andy's Anagram Solver If you love anagrams, or if you simply get frustrated when you can't solve the daily Jumble, this is the site for you!
Unicorn Links
Unicorn Haven Thorough collection of unicorn lore and links
Neysa's Unicorn Picture Site Extensive collection of unicorn graphics
The Unicorn's Meadow The legend, the unicorn in books and movies, unicorn links, and more A Collection of Unicorn Links
Nature Links
For Those Who Love Seashells Conchologist's Information Network
Ornithology Resources An extensive list of links for bird lovers
The Hummingbird Web Site A wealth of information about hummingbirds; includes lots of photos!
The Owl Pages Almost anything you want to know about owls, with photos and sound files
Damsel Flies and Dragonflies A beautifully done site with a great deal of factual information as well as graphic images
Carolina Edens A collection of stunning photos of gardens in North and South Carolina
AccuWeather for Area 51 Watching for aliens? Could it be a good night for spotting them?
Library/Librarian Links
Thwart Not the Librarian! or..."Why you should fall on your knees and worship a Librarian!
Hypatia's Library Tales Never a dull moment!
The Lipstick Librarian Written by a librarian...defies description!
Miscellaneous Links
Virtual Presents It's the thought that counts, right? So send a virtual gift!
Diana's Gourmet Corner Recipes from around the world
Stress Relief Aquarium Now "funnel all your aggression into your clicking finger..."
Jelly Belly Online Everything you ever wanted to know about jelly beans
My Someone Special, My Donald
Bienvenue au Monde Français   Muddy's links for people who love France and things French. (This site was aggressively updated over the summer of 2000.)
Muddy's Links   Favorite spots on the WWW.
Muddy's Commonplace Book   A general collection of malapropisms, quotations, and favorite extractions from favorite books.
Muddy's Commonplace Book Two: My Poems   Poems I have written.
Muddy's Favorite Poems   "The Highwayman" and other favorite poems.
Muddy's Favorite Books (and other things)   A listing of favorite books, each with a brief description and a link to a site about the book itself, the author, the e-text of the book, or , if none of the others were found, a review of the book with purchasing information. Also a list of favorite movies, and a smattering of other favorites.
Muddy's Photo Album   I've just added pictures from my trip to France this summer.