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FEAR News For 2002

FEAR Brings it Together

FEAR came into this game knowing that they needed something to start up their season. By watching Wednesday night's game against Jose's Team you would completely forget about the horrible loss to the Arazonas. Passes were connecting and shots were being taken, rookies comming up with big plays and Emanuel is becomming the goalie everyone knew he could be. Just about everything came together. The big problem now is that FEAR must stay away from the "sin bin."

There was a few penalties which were uncalled for, such as Ronald Capursi's high sticking call in the second period. However the penalty kills were doing their job and killed penalties successfully. In fact the special teams all together looked pretty solid. As the game progressed Jose's Team was getting fustrated and started to take bad penalties of their own. "Most of the credit goes to the defenders Ice (Ronald Capursi), Serge, Pat and everyone else for sticking to there jobs." Said hot goaltender Emanuel.

FEAR cannot celebrate yet, they have a long season ahead of them. For now they have to take each game at a time and play hockey. FEAR once again shows that they are Ripblade Cup contenders and will continue to do so for this season and for seasons to come.

July 10, 2002

Who will lead FEAR this YEAR?

Pershing Field’s Ripblade Roller Hockey is about set to drop the puck in June (even though a ball is played, it sounds better to use the word “puck”). Although there has been some talk about playing in the new rink at Enos Jones Park that would cut the league fee much more than half, it seems that plan might be turned down and again another sad turn out of just four teams in the league. No, matter the cost or where the league will play there will be another FEAR team and another strong race to the finals. Politics will not keep this team off their skates.

Patrick Conlon, the Ray Bourque of Ripblade, ranked one of the best defenders in Ripblade history (by us), will lead the charge from behind playing his steady defensive position. He has been able to do many things for this hockey club he is a leader and knows how to scream at refs (not including his last seasons only ejection). Though, he was the only one to remember that you need a 10 minute misconduct (that he didn’t receive) in order to be ejected so he also knows the rules. Patrick Conlon, our vote to 2002’s team MVP winner and will be a player in the FEAR Hall of Fame (not trying to make him sound old).

Juan Santos, is our choice to lead the team in points, goals, and assists. He was an invite to the all-star game in Center Circle Roller hockey league in Rahway. Juan has been playing nearly year around and probably the fastest on the rink this year. On the contrary, Juan’s younger brother Emanuel’s goal is to deny goals, being the last line of defense. Emanuel matures his playing style each year and will go on a goaltending contest with L.S. Scrapies, Jose Alcia to capture best goalie award. Back up goalie Ronald Capursi after a successful season in goal with Lyndhurst and a starting goalie for the North Jersey All-Star team will play his usual role with FEAR at defense. Its ironic to see someone with his ability to play both positions with finesse but he fits both roles quite well.

Mike Mano will have a bigger role this year and like most years will pull through. His last season linemate, Ronald Davilla now with some height might cause some damage. Angel Rivera, what can’t we say about him, he possesses a weight and power combination on his skates that makes him deadly on the check. Greg, an under rated team player with power on the forecheck and backcheck, also shows no signs of slowing down. Sergio, not quite fast as the past but a player with his caliber never loses skill and could make up for his speed.

With such a great talents Captain Pat has to find a way to formulate these players to champions. This season watch FEAR on front of “Wheaties” boxes.

-Sergio May 19,2002