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August 28th, 2003 - There is no easy way to say it. Scholomance is disbanded. This decision was not arrived at easily or lightly. There are few other musicians I've played with who I respect more in a purely musical sense than Jimmy and Jerry. Their dedication to playing music is certainly impressive. I have enjoyed playing with them. Not many people realize it, but Jimmy and I played together for almost 10 years. However, what I need to do now is what I must focus on. There are a host of internal/personal reasons for this that I choose not to divulge in public, but I will explain some of my thoughts beyond those issues.

My musical tastes and attitudes have changed a lot over the last couple years. The metal scene has changed so much that what I was brought up on so many years ago is a scarcely identifiable phantom of its former self. There are things I used to positively love and now can't stand, both in listening, playing, and lifestyle. Understand that I'm not knocking or abandoning metal whatsoever. I still like metal. I'm not in any way burned out as far as creativity or will to write. Things just work differently in my mind and consequently, come out differently in what I write. There are many things I want to do that I cannot do in the constraints of this band. I have felt very limited in what I can do for a long time, particularly in regard to time signatures, complex rhythms, consistency, and just plain weirdness and heaviness. I want to evolve and do something with no compromises. I have full confidence that when I want to, I can shred with the best of them, but shred is not what I want to do. I'm not looking to push the boundaries of music theory, and I will continue my tried and true method of playing what comes naturally. All I want to do is write songs that are interesting to play, perhaps a little more memorable, challenging, to take the foundation from what I've done for the last 8 years in Scholomance and build something from it that hasn't been done before.

I fully realize what I am doing, what I may be losing, but also what I might gain. I can say that I will continue to write and play technical music and I can promise, it will be beyond anything I've done in this band, or it just won't be done at all. I expect to decide on a new name for my next band very soon and a site will be launched. If there is any major news on my end, I will post it on the Scholomance website first. I appreciate and thank from my heart every single person who has helped out over the years with reviews, interviews, radio play, promotion, distribution, and conversation, but especially the fans who are into extreme technical music and Andreas at The End Records for believing in Scholomance enough to release our music to the world.

The end...for now.

Scott Crinklaw of Scholomance
August 2003

THANKS: Jimmy Pitts, Jerry Twyford, All the members of my family who continue to give support, Andreas Katsambas, Tomer Pink, David Johnson, Rick Letterman, John Haughm, Madison Medved, Don Anderson of Sculptured, Dave Craft, Jeff Hurteau, Charlie Brown, Brian of Garden of Shadows, Jason Walton, Ralph Plank, Greg Roller & Caravell Studios, Neil Kernon, Eelco Schrik, Dan Seagrave, Joachim Gislao, John Frank, all my traders, Rob, Tom, Neal, Dario, Greg, Brett, & all my great guitar buddies (you guys know who you are).
The labels & distros: Earache/Elitist, Holy, Eibon, Unisound, Black Tears, Century Media, Nuclear Blast, Relapse, Black Tears, NOH Distribution, Velvet Music, Midnight Dist., Sempiternal Dist., Demonion Productions, Abyss, Dark Symphonies, Metal Disc, Necropolis, Shiver Records, Adenon, Black Market Dist., Uncle Underground,, Red Stream, Tower, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and the tons of others.
The zines: Marco Barbieri & Ill Literature, Bardcore Jim & Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Wormgear, Isten, Eclipse, Aberration, The Zodiac Chronicle, Arrows of Malice, Oskorei, Savage Garden, Sociopathic Despair, Neptune, Sinister, Nachts Sinfonie, Pit, Terrorizer, Digital Metal, Remants of Reason, Deadtide, Starvox, Musique Machine, Delirium, Highwire Daze, Dark Oath, 7 Gates, Aversion, The French Connection, Corridor of Cells, Critical Metal, Sea of Tranquillity, Metal Dreams, Neptune, Pull The Chain, Stygian Shadows, Promethean Crusade, Chronicles of Chaos, 1340, Scoops Central, Music Extreme, The End Times, Bestial Command of War, Chaotic Brutality, Invader, Artifact, Metal Nightmare, Neckbreaker, Scream, Silent Scream, Metal Bite, Edge of Time, Signal To Noise, Metal Rules, Metal On Tap, Lollipop, Erebus, Beat the Blizzard, The Crass Menagerie, Vae Solis, & the many other magazines.
The bands: Burning Inside, Frantic Bleep, Illogicist, Exivious, Esicastic, Dismal Euphony, Agalloch, Sculptured, Nothing, Lilitu, Blot Mine, While Heaven Wept, Cea Serin, Origin, Mayadome, Autumn Leaves, Abominant, Dim Mak, Forgotten Silence & a host more.
All the radio stations across the world who play Scholomance!
I know I've forgotten to mention some people, so I apologize. Simply email me and I'll add your name to the list if you really wanna be mentioned. One thousand thanks to everyone over all the years past, present, and future.

August 4th, 2003 - I've added the CDR which contains both our 96 Promo and 97 Promo with new full color cover art to the merchandise section. These can be purchased for the small amount of $6.50. If you are interested in hearing how different we sounded almost 8 years ago, this is your chance. You can buy the CDR instantly via PayPal, and buy our other releases via PayPal as well. Due to numerous scams, we will not accept credit card payments from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, or Africa.

June 1st, 2003 - Work continues on new Scholomance material. Soon I will also be making our demos & some unreleased stuff with new cover art available on cdr to interested fans. Updated band links section with some cool technical bands for people to check out and buy their stuff. Also be sure to check out Sekhmet Records, a French label who are trying to do a lot for real technical metal.

February 18th, 2003 - The new Scholomance t-shirts are available through our label here or try here if that doesn't work. They are $14 with full color front and back on black shirts in M, L, or XL. Front features The Immortality Murder cover & red Scholomance logo and back features inner sleeve photo with 'Love Does Not Exist' in red script beneath. We hope you will wear one proudly! Here's a picture.

November 23rd, 2002 - There's some real news this time. We have plans to release a new cd next year. We hope to have it completed by Summer, but I can't guarantee that. What I can tell you is that it will have 4-5 new songs which are conceptually apart from A Treatise On Love and The Immortality Murder (we'll pick up the full concept storyline on the release following this one, the 4th Scholomance release). It will include at least one or two cover songs, and a revamped version of 'Nights of Somber Frost' from our original '96 Promo. I anticipate that this will be a very technical project. In other news, thanks to the fans who requested new t-shirts. The label is currently making some. They will have The Immortality Murder artwork on front and back. I'll post pics when I have the finished product.

September 26th, 2002 - Traded banners with tech metal bands, Exivious and Illogicist. Check those bands out. Updated the gear lists on the profiles page. CD of the month goes to Eighteen Visions' monstrously heavy disc, 'Vanity'!

September 12th, 2002 - The newly designed website is finally launched. I have added a lot of new pages, photos, lyrics, and information on Scholomance! As always, if you find errors, please report them. I'm sure there are a few to be found. I'd appreciate any comments on the new look of things and just to let me know you're all still out there. There are still a few banners and such things I will be adding.
We have done quite a few interviews and gotten a multitude of positive reviews for The Immortality Murder. You can find many of these through checking out the zine links on our page, as well as many reviews of our material on the reviews page. If you read metal magazines, you have no doubt seen the various ads for the cd as well. In regard to our current activities, they basically are limited to writing new material. As our fans know, our writing process takes a great deal of time. I'd also like to remind people that we are looking for a drummer to play on the next cd. We have a few people in mind, but you are welcome to drop us a line if you're an experienced drummer with similar influences to our own.

Jerry has done a solo bass demo under the title of 'The Deep'. It has five melodic bass instrumentals (we're talking complex multi-layered basslines here) with some guest keyboards by Jimmy. You guys can obtain the demo by emailing Jerry at

2002 - The Immortality Murder is officially released as a double cd! The music, art, and presentation turned out great. I hope everyone can check it out. Anyone needing a place to buy it can check our merchandise page for info.

December 13th, 2001 - To say this is a sad day is not even necessary and sadness is such a small word compared to what I feel. Chuck Schuldiner, the guitarist/vocalist/songwriter from Death and Control Denied passed away today after a long battle with brain cancer. He was only 34 years of age. Chuck was a positively massive influence on my guitar playing and attitude, as he was with many others in the scene. He will be dearly missed. I set up a small memorial page here and you may check out the official Death site, Empty Words. Chuck's family is still left with a lot of medical bills and your support is still needed.

June ? - After much toil and trouble, we finished the new album. The acoustic track I spoke of earlier was scrapped. It just sounded lousy in the end. However, we did record 7 piano improvs on the baby grand the last night. They are included on a second cd along with 5 instrumental versions of the metal tracks on the album. So yes, we have a double cd!

June 15th - In Studio Report Day Five:
Everything is finally recorded. We really hit it hard today. The guitar solos ended up sounding much cooler than I thought they would. I guess I work best under the most pressure. I had some weird spastic thing where I had trouble playing arpeggios today. I haven't had that happen in a long time. My hands ache and my fingertips are a little worn off. The solos sound different than the ones on A Treatise On Love, but my style is still intact. The new music is extremely different all around though. I also had to finish up a few acoustic guitar bits and some minor additions to the song layers. Jimmy's keyboard track and solos were nailed down in no time at all. He also finished the remaining vocals. The amount of work done today was just insane. We are beyond thankful to have Greg as our engineer. The guy is simply amazing. We're all relieved to have everything on tape. The only thing that remains is to mix and master the cd. Since we've been rough mixing as we went, we already have a good foundation to go on. The biggest obstacles will be leveling out the solos and added stuff we recorded today.

June 14th - In Studio Report Day Four:
Guitars and more guitars! All the rhythm guitar tracks and harmonies are completed. I went generally insane by the end, but they worked out well. I'd say there are at least twice the harmonies as on the last album. There were a few technical problems with computer memory when Jimmy was playing his keyboard tracks so he didn't get very far on them. We had to stop and back up all the tracks and by the time this was done, we'd pretty much had it for the evening. At the least, his solo tone is sounding very sweet. We came out with another rough mix, which is corrected a bit from the last one. It's sounding better. Every instrument is running on a different frequency in the mix so each has it's own space to be heard. The only real problem now is that the bottom end is so great, it shakes stuff off the walls. The bass guitar riffs are really impressive though. You guys are getting some bass solos this time too! Other than catching the supreme bassist spotlight, Jerry almost caught a sizeable snake outside the studio today. It's great to be right by the woods and lakes. We drove home in a brutal downpour and thunderstorm. Going up and down the hills and curves in the area was not fun in this weather. Tomorrow is a day of finishing up everything and we plan to mix and master on Saturday.

June 13th - In Studio Report Day 3:
Sorry, this one was only posted on the label's old forum. It's gone now.

June 12th - In Studio Report Day 2:
The second day is done. We began searching for the guitar sound at 10am. It actually didn't take too long and what we came out with is a raw, but thickly distorted tone. The first guitar track for all eight songs was completed. Jerry put down basslines for 3 songs in proud & tastefully shredding style. Some of the time signatures and changes on the new material were quite difficult to nail down but all in all, we made good time (improvisations included). We are right on our schedule, if not a little ahead of ourselves. The engineer is mixing the material as we go along so we get to hear the sound improving gradually. Jerry will finish his basslines in the morning. Afterwards, I'll hopefully finish up the second harmony guitar track and have time to lay down the solos and/or acoustic bits. Tune in again tomorrow!

June 11th - In Studio Report Day 1:
Recording music this technical really is difficult (ok, it's a fuckin' nightmare!) when you start in the morning. After some MIDI confusion with our keyboards and the studio's computers, we were off and running. In a rather short time, we got down drums & keyboards for all eight songs of the album. Everything is sounding powerful and we're already pretty pleased with the skeletal structures that are on tape now. Next, Jimmy managed to get the main vocal tracks completed for five songs. The vocals are sounding sick as hell thus far!!! Jimmy will do more vocals as days go by so he doesn't ruin his throat in one day. Jerry and I tracked acoustic guitar and bass for the acoustic track. We'll just let the entire story of this track be a secret for now. I'll let the cat outta the bag when the recording is done. Let's just say that if you buy our next cd, you'll definitely get your money's worth. The guitars go down tomorrow and I anticipate that to take considerable time and stressing... but I'll be glad to have them finished. More news tomorrow!

March 1st - Studio time is now booked. We begin recording The Immortality Murder at Caravell Studio on June 11th. As it is now, we have 3 songs to finish up and we'll be ready!

January 31st - New studio plans! We have scrapped the Portland trip in favor of a much better studio. Our new destination is going to be Caravell Studio here in Missouri. This is a top notch studio, fully equipped with state of the art gear and facilities. Meetings with the engineer have been extremely promising so we're looking forward to working with them. The plan is to do the album this summer, most likely in June.

October 31st - Happy Halloween! If you've been wondering what we've been up to, here it is: We're still working intensely on new songs for the second album. Our personal lives and other life matters have caused things to move a little more slowly than we'd like, but rest assured... we'll have plenty of material by the time we hit the studio. Speaking of which, we're currently looking at going out to Oregon or Washington to record the cd, and possibly hang out with our labelmates, Sculptured and Agalloch too. This is a long time away but it's looking like a good deal. I should also begin the artwork for the next cd by year's end. You can expect another very personal series of images. Today I updated the links page with some cool obscure bands that I hope you can all check out. (oh no, more Scandinavian stuff!) My pal, Dave Craft, is now handling the official SUP site and he's done a beautiful job on it. Check it out!

June 19th - Updated the links page with some cool new official links. Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Dave McKean, Opeth etc.

April 23rd - Today is the 'official' release of the updated page. I added a couple banners on the audio/download page for 'zines and reviewers who need a banner for their page or to link our site. If you require anything special in the graphics dept, just drop me an e-mail and I'll hook you up with whatever you need. Send us an e-mail and let us know what you think of the new design! -Scott-

April 18th - Today began the overhaul in design of this site. This is NOT the final reconstruction that I spoke of in the last update but it will tide me over until I can do everything I want with the page to go along with the release of the next cd. In other news, our own Jimmy Pitts has been working with Ron Jarzombek (Spastic Ink, Watchtower) via long distance. If all goes well, Jimmy will contribute one or two guest solos to the next Spastic Ink cd! Meanwhile, work continues on new Scholomance material. I'm currently working out drums to two more new tracks and am working out piano riffs to another new one. In label news, the new cd from our labelmates, Mental Home, was just released. It's licensed through Century Media Records. -Scott-

January 17th - December went by with little news. Expect some new reviews/interviews to be added soon. I have also started to work on completely overhauling this site. My opinion is that it looks like complete shit. We've had the same basic design for 2 years. Before I do this, if anyone is wanting to order the cd, just drop me an e-mail since I don't have the order/distros section up and running. The new site will not resemble the current one at all, or will it resemble any other metal site that I know of. This will all be coordinated with the material on the new cd. Also a bit of a sidenote... thanks to the people who have been e-mailing me to help me find those titles I've been hunting.

November 26th - The tentative title for our new album will be "The Immortality Murder". We are currently hard at work finishing new material!

October 5th - An interview with Czech zine Uproar is online. Another gig is scheduled at Murphy's for October 21st.

September 6th - An interview with Scholomance has been added to Aftermath Music in Norway. Be on the lookout for the new The End Records Compilation cd, White: Nightmares In The End. This is a killer new compilation which features Scholomance's "Toy: A Primrose Path To The Second Circle" and new songs from all of our labelmates.

September 5th - Please visit our links page and check out new sound clips on the homepages of SUP and Obliveon (2 of our favorite bands!) from their new albums.

August 27th - A gig is scheduled at Murphy's! If you are a local and want to catch us in the flesh, come down and be enlightened.

August 11th (Solar Eclipse) - Did an interview for Heaven And Hell

July 9th - Our CD is available for order from CD Now, CD Universe and Amazon. See the links page to get there! Unfortunately, the audio track listings for these sites have been screwed up. Here are the correct song listings.
CD Universe: The Liars... = End, End = The Psychology of Demons..., The Psychology of Demons...= Toy, Toy = Snowfall. CD Now: I Am That Which Is = Snowfall. Amazon: I Am That Which Is = Snowfall.

July 6th - Added reviews from German mag, Invader, and Artifact zine to CD Reviews page.

June 30th - Did an interview for Russian zine, Vae Solis

June 28th - Added a review from English mag, Terrorizer, to CD Reviews page.

Two of the new songs are recorded live at a show on May 13th! Both audio and video of this show is available to fans. All you need to do is send us a blank VHS or audio tape and return postage. These recordings also include four songs from A Treatise On Love. *Please note that "Toy: A Primrose Path to the Second Circle" is NOT on the audio tape.

Three new songs are completed for the next cd. The titles are: "Companionship and Philosophical Fire", "Bedevilment and Bewilderment", and "Virus: The Theft Of Knowledge".

: Initiation Area: Biography : Brain Stem: News : Frontal Lobe: Reviews : Reading Area: Lyrics :
: Temporal Lobe: Samples : Parietal Lobe: Merchandise : Occipital Lobe and Cerebellum: Profiles : Spinal Cord: Links :
: Yearning: Media : Reminiscence: In Memory : Extra-Sensory: Additions : E-mail Scholomance :

.Site Design by Scott Crinklaw : Year 2002.