The Creation, the creative Element. (In us humans our dreams and
ideas). SPIRIT as an element replaces the "holy spirit" from past religious
beliefs, because "God" was so far known as the Creator, but there has never
been any sort of realistic proof of existence of such a being, except strong
faith. An element that creates everything however can be researched,
measured, because it is in our mind, it is our Brain! Not only can we check
somebody's SPIRIT out (via psychology or scientific astrology,) we also know
that every place has its SPIRIT, every Country....well simply everything.
It is possible to measure that SPIRIT of any time, any place and any person
on our globe.
(How to do so can be found in my Book "The big System" -not
"complete collection of astrological knowledge for professional use" script
with 270 pages. If you have an interest in it drop me a E-mail).
The termination of everything that has ever been created by
SPIRIT, in humans or within nature itself - out of the 4 so far known Elements
Water, Fire, Earth and Oxygen
This Discovery marks the change of times
we are already in.
The Age of Pisces (the religious visions and beliefs that where never
possible to be clearly defined) is since more than a generation over,
the Age of Aquarius took place. Science and Research, to come to clearly
defined KNOWLEDGE, that is the current - and future - SPIRIT OF TIME.
That is why i think it is time to release the result of my research:

(The new discovered 5th and 6th Elements
as scientific Explanation for our Existence!!
-Instead of believing in any "gods").