Audio Photo Albums

The Audio Photo Albums are probably the biggest feature at "Don't You Know History Repeats Itself?".The links below will take you to different places on the internet. They made made up of sites in Tripod, Angelfire, Geocities, and Fortune City. These sites belong to my friends and I. They generously offered to help me create the photo albums. All the sounds were recorded by me, and don't use without my permission. Some of them come in really well, while others are a bit fuzzy. I don't know if they'll work for Netscape Navigator, but I'm assuming they do. The pictures were either from me, or from other websites (The links are in the Link Archive on the main page.) If you experience any trouble, e-mail me.


Casey Becker's Phone Call

The Blockbuster Scene

The Grand Finale

Scream 2 Photo Album

The photo album below has sounds taken from other sites, but most of the pictures are mine:

Scream 2 Photo Album (Pages 2 and 3)

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