Scream 2 Photo Album: Page 2

These are still in no particular order and not all the pictures are ni the exact same place as the qoute, but I tried to get them as exact as possible.
Randy: "But if he's a suspect, so am I, so, let's move on!"
Dewey: "Whoa, let's not move on, maybe you are a suspect."
Randy: "Well if I'm a suspect, you're a suspect."
Dewey: "You have a point! Ok, let's move on."
Derek singing: I THINK I LOVE YOU
"How do you know that my dim-witted inexperience isn't merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower people's expectations thereby enhancing my ability to effectively manuever within any given situation?"
"Bitch, hang the phone up and star-sixty-nine his ass! Damn!"

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