Scream 2 Photo Album: Page 3

Here's yet another page added to the album. This again, is in no particular order and the pictures may not be at the exact quote. But they are close enough. These are still in no particular order and not all the pictures are ni the exact same place as the qoute, but I tried to get them as exact as possible.
"If there is some freaked-out psycho trying to follow in Billy Loomis' footsteps, you probably already know him"
Mickey: "Empire Strikes Back! Better story, improved effects."
Randy: "Not a sequel, part of a trilogy, completely planned."
Hallie: "Yeah, I liked those little furry things!"
Mickey: "Ewoks! They blow."
Mickey: "It's ok Derek. We got her."
Derek: "Sid, he's lying! Sid! Sid! Untie me! Sid...untie me."
Mickey: "Hmmm. Boyfriend, killer. Boyfriend, killer."
Derek: "Sid! The man is lying!"
"You've got a hard on for Cameron"

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