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Starcraft News for May 31st

Sin Anyone?
There's an article on Sin up over at Ritualistic. Seems they like the game, saying " it was definitely one of the best looking and playing games on the demo room floor." There's also an 11 meg .avi ready for download. Read the article here. [News source - Lan's Billboard]

Independence War preview
CGO has a preview up on a new game called Independence War. " Independence War is set more than 200 years into the future, during the time when an overcrowded Earth struggles to deal with a guerrilla war out in the stars. " View more screenshots and read the article here.

Diablo II News
CGO has an article up on Diablo II. They spoke with Bill Roper at E3 about the game. Expect a more detailed storyline and more NPC interaction. Nice article with some (3) screenshots. Check it out here.

Man it's just a scum news kind of day ~

Home Brew Map Reviewer's Revival
Scum Runners is hosting a Map Reviewer's Revival on June 6th. Play all the mods, melees, RPGs, and scenarios, give 'em comments, and vote on the best ones. For more info, check the announcement here.

SCuM.Net Closing ??
Found this posted at the site today. I think if he could get some help, he might be persuaded to stay on. Anyway read on. This is one of the better scm sites out there.

Hey guys, I've done some major thinking lately, and I've decided to drop this site for personal reasons. I don't think any of you care about the reason, but basically I'll be forced to drop it this fall anyways, so I'll get that over with now. I'd like to thank everyone for their support over the months, especially during the downtimes. Don't worry, I'll still keep up in the Starcraft scene and I'll probably work on more scums in my spare time.

If any of you guys loved the site, I'm giving you the chance to take control in the driver's seat. Yes, I'll be willing to hand this over to one or a group of dedicated webmasters that would like to continue the legacy of the site. So, if you're interested, email me. However, please only apply if you're serious about this. I wouldn't want the site to live on if it wasn't in the best of hands.

Fixed URL
My earlier link to Aries Home Page was wrong, the correct URL is Sorry about that. :\

Terran Protoss War Campaign Fixed
There was a bug in one of the missions in part 3. It's been fixed but you'll need to re-download Part 3. Read Quickshot14's email below.

Hello all! Important info here! Part 3 mission 14 (the last mission) had a very big error in it, which I finnaly fixed. I have the updated ZIP now. Thanks and happy summer. Oh don't forget to stop by the Terran & Protoss War Homepage Thanks! - Quickshot14

Advanced Scum Editor
Camelot Systems is working on an advanced Scum Editor. Here's all the info on it :

Camelot Systems has just uploaded 5 SCuMs zipped up in a 486kb file. These are no ordinary SCuMs - they can't be played. What they can do, however, is show you in great detail ALL of the tiles for each of the five tilsesets (1 SCuM/Tileset). The methods I used to develop these Editor's SCuMs will remain a secret until I am finished with a SCuM format spec sheet that I'm developing for Camelot Systems. We hope to possibly make an advanced SCuM editor, but that will depend on how much we are able to find out and manipulate in the SCuMs themselves, and the exact compression algorithms used for the SCuMs. I hope that these can be of some use to you, and I'm certain you will find plenty to do with them in the future, once I've made all my SCuM research public. Note: do NOT attempt to play ANY of the 5 SCuMs in StarCraft... the game WILL crash (or at least it should).

Thanks very much,King Arthur,
ICQ UIN: 3070076

P.S. Let me know if you have any specific questions about what's in the Editor's SCuMs, but I will NOT explain how I have created them. That's a trade secret. :)

Starcraft News for May 30th

How To Beat a Zerg Opponent
Chaplan over at StarShack has a post with Terran and Protoss tips for beating those pesky zerg. The best advice came at the end i think...Play Them. "Know thine enemy and know thyself and you shall never know defeat". Read it here.

Enlarged Map View
Download Divided Factions
SCM of The Week
Blizzard has the new .SCM of The Week up now. This time it's , Divided Factions, a 128x128 Space Platform map. For best gameplay, 4 or 6 players are recommended. Download now (167kb) or get more info here.

On the Brood Wars Front
OGR has Screenshots up. Click here to view. GameSpot has a preview up, check it out here. OGR has an E3 Scrapbook in the works. You can see a pic of Bill Roper and Brood Wars here and a Diablo II kiosk here. Click the thumbnails for a larger view of the pix. TechBase has a lot of info up also (Gunslinger is at E3). There's a chat with Bill Roper and a list of the new units in Brood Wars. Here's the new units:

Medic - Autoheals damaged biological-based units and can cure plague, parasite, ensnare, etc.

Valkyrie - Terran bomber. Manufactures bombs (like scarabs) and can burn energy for a turbo boost on bombing runs.

Lurker - Mutates from a hydralisk. It has a weaker attack, but can attack while burrowed.

Devourer - Mutates from a mutalisk. It is a slower air unit that hits for 50% of a unit's current HP. This means that a full marine takes 20 damage while a full Battle Cruiser takes 250 damage. Next time around, the cruiser would take 125, etc. Devourers can't kill units.

Dark Templar - Now a trainable unit. They can combine into a Dark Archon. Dark Templars also will have a few new psi-based abilities (spells).

Dark Archon - Has two or three new psi-spells. Bill said they may contain a vampiric spell which takes HP and gives them to the Dark Archon.

Corsair - An air unit. Fires a plasma-based air to air attack only. The shot can disrupt mechanical fields, such as turrets, bunkers, and guns.

In the I Can't Believe It Catagory !
" An unnamed woman sued the library yesterday after her 12-year-old son repeatedly downloaded pornographic images to a disk, printed them out at a relative's house, and then distributed them, according to the suit and the Pacific Justice Institute, a Sacramento-based nonprofit legal defense organization specializing in religious freedom and parents' rights. "

Man this stuff burns me up. She can't control her horndog of a son, so censorship should be invoked for the whole town ??? Maybe she should try escorting her child to the library once in a while and quit asking others to do her job. Or get over being embarrassed her son was passing the stuff out. I'm not advocating pornogrphy but I have a real problem with censorship, and this bugs me. Just my humble opinion....let the flames begin :) Read the article here.

High-Density CD-ROMs By 2000A New Mexico vendor is working on a CD-ROM technology it maintains will enable users to store up to 165 gigabytes of information on a single disc -- almost 10 times as much data as can be stored on DVDs. Read more here. Thanks for the news tip Aries :)

X-Factor Hits 40 - New CD-ROMS Twice as Fast
TrueX CD-ROM technology achieves higher speeds by splitting the drive's last beam to read seven tracks at once. Kenwood has licensed the technology and currently is building the first 40X CD-ROMs. They are expected to hit stores sometime this spring. Read more here. Thanks again to Aries :)

Starcraft News for May 29th

Recieved another .scm today, this could be the start of something. :) This one is by Aries Atreides and called HeroQuest. Aries didn't send a discription, but he did say he would have a new bigger version by, he hopes, Sat. I'll get a description for ya'll then. In the mean time check out Aries' Home Page, VERY COOL! and Download HeroQuest Thanks Aries :)

Fixed Positions Update
SC.Org has posted this, and since i posted the email also, (see yesterdays For all u .SCM Developers) i thought i better warn u too. - "The 'map settings' way to get fixed positions described yesterday is rarely used because the game is not recorded. Meaning you do not receive a win or loss. Thanks to Malice and Cats for the news. - Mr Plow"

C&C: Tiberian Sun
Ok if your a C&C maniac and u have some time to kill today, Gameslice has a 10 page article up. An interview with Erik Yeo, lead designer of Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, screen shots and a 16 meg movie for download. That should get your fix in. Read article here, and download the movie here. GameSpot also has a preview up (7 pages) with some nice art work. Read it here. [source - Lanhdanan's Billboard]

The Truth is Out There Fox
The Hubble Space Telescope has snapped the first picture of a possible planet formed outside our solar system, a discovery hailed Thursday as a landmark in our quest to understand our origins. Read more here.

In the Geez Louise Catagory!
A Bavarian court convicted a former Compuserve manager Thursday of spreading pornography over the Internet, shocking industry experts and raising concerns about the medium's future in Germany. (Isn't this like holding the bank responsible if I write a hot check ? ... eh, maybe it's just me ) Read more here and in a related story ... CompuServe worried by CompuServe conviction I bet they are... :\

I would've like to have been a fly on the wall at this dinner party
More than 100 chief executives from the world's biggest companies met in Seattle Thursday for an "intimate" gathering with Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates highlighted by dinner at his lakeside mansion. Read more here

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