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Marcoola News

1. The Bikeway

We WON this one !
The Bikeway has been built on THE WESTERN SIDE of the road up to Petrie Avenue
where we have said it should have been ALL ALONG.

The Progress Association was less than helpfull during this whole episode.
We really need to get ourselves a new Executive Committee for the ASSOCIATION.
These people did evrything in their power to HINDER OUR EFFORTS to have it reinstated onto the western side of the highway where it belonged.
And after all the lame excuses about being too close to the Road, and the road going to be widened to 4 lanes etc. - Where do they wind up putting it?
Yes! - As close to the Road as possible.
They even built it OVER the Telecom Pits and up THROUGH the Bus Shelter,
so it now ends RIGHT WHERE Kerlin said it was TOO DANGEROUS to END.
Too bad - At least it's back on the western side of the highway where it belonges.

I wish to thank all the good folk of Marcoola and Mount Coolum for their support throughout this campaign, without which we would have been defeated and been forced to put up with The NIGHTMARE of having this intrusive utility channeled right through our town.


2 - The Airport

Round 2 !
The Sunshine Coast Airport is now shaping up to be the
BIGGEST PROBLEM we will ever be faced with
HERE to go to its SPECIAL Page.

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