Smiles at all of you!!!

Here's ~juky~ one of my dearest friends
I have met personally from chat...loves to hug a lot
so watch out.
~juky~ has the best hugs whenever I need them :)
Am looking forward to many adventures with
~juky~ in the future...hugssssss ;)

~magenta____ ~
Well folks finally ~mags~ has honoured me with
exclusive first rights to publish her pic
on my page...this is ~mags~ with her cousins baby Sarah
Thankyou ~mags~ was honoured to put you on my sooks page,
then your beautiful poem you wrote for me.
You finally made it here ~mags~...
you know whats next don't you...yes the hussey page!!
~mags~ my strength at times when I've needed her ...Thankyou honey.

~__levis501s ~
Finally made it out of sooks levis...pleased to have you onboard.
Though I gotta say you're still a sook.
Why this man persists on argueing with me I'll never know.
LMAO You know I'll always win..ahem.

What a sweetheart...~xq~ may seem quiet
but she has to be one of the funniest people
I have ever met on chat...she has the quickest,driest wit.
when she's on a roll she has us all especially ~Cabin~
choking with laughter.

What can I say about this cute bit of fluff oops I mean pussy
He has joined us in chat recently..
Beats eggs with vibrators...
wears Levis headphones so we can all say hi to him!
The newest chat newbie...
You can visit Niko's very own page just click on his pic it'll take you there!!!!
And remember to sign his guestbook too!!!!

And who wouldn't want to dirty dance with ~bluesy~

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