~ gingervenus ~
~ging~ and the masked man?
LMAO check out the sign behind them.
Wonder if he's smiling behind that mask ;)

We spent a great Sunday together thanks guys...:)
Oh and by the way ..its ~jimmy_fillidew~
but he's a sook can't show his face here
You have to go to my sooks page to see
the real ~jimmy~.

~ Tejch~
Well look who's joined my friends page
~mags~ introduced me to ~tejch~ one night
thought we'd get on well...
after half an hour with ~tejch~ I knew why
she's as mad as me....LOL

Does this sweet face really barge into
chat and cause all that havoc,
am proud to say ...SHE DOES...
she's so cool she's also on my sooks page.