~ my_arrow~

And who's going to argue with that face...huh?
She's changed her name but she'll always be ~arrow~ to me..:)
Hugssssss ~arrow~ you're a great friend..love ya hon.

~ Irish_Cream ~

1 1/2 U.S. Quarts
1-3/4 Cups of Brandy
2 Cups of Whipping Cream
1 1/4 Cup of Half and Half
1-14 Ounce Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk (not evaporated)
1/2 Teaspoon of Vanilla
1/4 Teaspoon of Pure Coconut Extract
1/2 Teaspoon of Instant Irish Coffee
In a blender combine the ingredients
and age in the refrigerator for at least 1 week.
This only has a shelf life of about 1 month.
LMAO... wouldnt last more than two days in my house

~irish~ honey we know your made up
of a whole lot more good stuff
than this ...hugsssss

~ sunshine7911 ~

Give ~sun~ a pair of Docs to go see her fav. band play
and a surfboard to surf thru Yahoo
and I know she'll be happy..:)
But don't try surfing in them Docs
damn near ruined mine trying that
Welcome to the sooks page ~sun~
uuuum ~toos~ got it wrong..damn..these
are the kind of Docs ~sun~ wears.
I WEAR the boots ...oops mention Docs to me
I picture my boots ..sorry ~sun~...LOL

Always a great jam session when ~hucks~ about.
And ~huck~ has to get the award for signing my
guestbook so many times...thanks Hon.
"I must be jelly coz jam don't shake like that"

~tazslab~ or ~tazbro~

~taz~ honey the girls wanted me to
find a pic of Brad Pitt for you.
They tell me you tell the girls you look like Brad.
Well Hon I did a search of Brad Pitt and
came up with this pic of "Brad Pitt" from
Boise Idaho.
'sighs' oh well ~taz~ I guess when you sign my guestbook...
then we can put the real Brad Pitt up here.
Balls in your court Hon!!!
or as Arrow said..Balls in your hand...LMAO

OK OK girls ~taz~ has relented and signed my guest book time to reveal the real personality of ~taz~ had to dedicate a page to him coz he was such a good sport over the pic of 'Brad' from Boise Idaho...but am I dedicating the page to ~taz~ or the real Brad Pitt...hmmmmmm
So turn the page and lets go find out.