~ tazbro ~ ~tazslab ~
Well this is much nicer on the eyes...
Compared this with ~taz's~ real pic,
you know there is a resemblance there somewhere
when I find it I'll let you know.
Maybe it's that cheeky competitive look.

Competetive look you say..who is he competing with?

Well there's this guy on the first page he claims to be brothers with.
In the first pic ..is he thinking..how can I look as sexy as my bro.
He really wants to get on that couch doesnt he...
But in the second and third pic...He may have been thinking
I'll just sit here and look dreamily at the girls....or

The hell with it bro lets leave them drooling
over our pics,
and lets go have some fun in yahell.
~Levis~ throws back his head and laughs...lets do it bro.