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First Single: Feelin' Good -it's PARADISE-
Release date: 11 June 1997

This song is coupled with 17 Guyz. Both songs are nice, and I rather like 17 Guyz cuz it starts off with "I'm-sort-of-bored" tone but opens up towards the ending, sort of surprising! As for Feelin' Good -it's PARADISE-, I think Issa's voice was rather clear and pure compared to more recent Da Pump songs, and the song is great for lazing around cuz it's really makes me feel comfy and all! *grin* =)

Second Single: Love Is The Final Liberty
Release date: 1 October 1997

This song is coupled with Rock Da House. I really really really love Love is the Final Liberty ! I think this song was for a SHARP MD commercial if my memory does not fail me..hehe.. The song has such a nice tune! I just love the song and the dance soo much! As for Rock Da House, it's a rather heavy metal song compared to other Da Pump songs, but the dancing is great too! REAL fast and upbeat! Love it!

Third Single: Stay Together
Release date: 18 February 1998

This song is coupled with You don't have to worry, baby. Stay Together is like one of my favourite songs! During the concert, Issa and the rest sang this song as their finale, and they had tears in their eyes! It was so touching...=) As for You don't have to worry, baby, many people agree that it has a special and cute beat to it, even some DJs over here recommended the song! Rather different from most songs! Nice picture, don't you think? They all look sooo cheerful and happy! =)

Fourth Single: ごきげんだぜっ!~Nothing But Something~
Release date: 22 April 1998

This song is coupled with Strawberry Letter. The dance for ごきげんだぜっ!~Nothing But Something~ is REALLY REALLY GREAT!!! You should have seen them in the concert VCD, they were sooo COOL!! Especially during the part where two danced while the other two went "HEY" then vice versa...cooool!! It has my favourite dance!! As for Strawberry Letter, I didn't really like it at first cuz I didn't really listen to it, but now I like it quite a lot! There's a lazy feel to it, and sort of jazzy perharps?

Fifth Single: Rhapsody in Blue
Release date: 24 June 1998

This song is coupled with Infinity -sunset beach-. I really really really recommend you to listen to Rhapsody in Blue!! It is such a nice upbeat song with a GREAT dance! You wanna know how great it is? Well, Da Pump even performed it during the prestigious Annual Red-White competition! And this was when I first noticed them! I think this song is also for a Shishedo CM..can't remember what..but they deleted that CM poster before I could save it!! Darn..!As for Infinity -sunset beach-, it is quite a nice song too! Did you know that there is a fast version of it called Infinity -moonride-? It is in the album EXPRESSION.

Sixth Single: Around The World
Release date: 21 October 1998

Ok, Around The World is a rather nice song, and it makes me feel relaxed when I listen to it. It is also the first Da Pump single I bought! ( They look sooo good on the cover) As for Heart Edge Itching, it is more of a rap than a song, as the entire song is mostly rapping! Issa does not even sing a single full line! VERY different from the other Da Pump songs as it is entirely rap!

Seventh Single: Joyful
Release date: 10 March 1999

Joyful is the song for the commercial for DESCENTE. Pretty nice song, but I prefer the song which it is coupled with, Medicine of Love, more! The tune of Medicine of Love is sooo nice and sweet! I like it so much! I also like the cover pretty much as they are dressed in striking red against white background! NiCe...! They look so smart!

Eighth Single: Crazy Beat Goes On
Release date: 9 June 1999

Crazy Beat Goes On is the song for the commercial for C.C. LEMON. It is coupled with Baby Baby Baby which is the song for SHARP MD- J CM!! I already heard part of the song, and it seems quite nice! Go check it out! Anyway, isn't the cover great?! They look so good dressed in Yukinari is so cute!! (hmm...I seem to be saying that alot! haha!)

Ninth Single: We Can't Stop The Music
Release date: 20 October 1999

We Can't Stop The Music is coupled, or rather, tripled (if there is such a word) with Nature Boy and My Way, Right Way. It is one of the theme songs for the movie DreamMaker! It's pretty ok, but I think the MTV is not as nice as the past MTVs, neither is the dance. But I love the other two songs in the single, esp. Nature Boy, cuz I like the chorus, where they are singing! =) As for My Way, Right Way, it's a pretty sweet and romantic song, and I like the raptalk! All in all, though I think they look weird on the cover, the songs are pretty good!

Release date: 23 July 1998

Ok..I'm really sad...this album is supposed to come with a photobook, but the one I bought in Singapore did not have it..*sniff* WHY!!?!??! It's not fair!! Does anyone want to sell the photobook to me? I saw them in a homepage, and they look SO cute! Well, anyway, this album is GREAT, and contains some new songs. There are cute interludes in between and it's pretty funny! Well, click here to know more!

Second Album: Higher And Higher!
Release date: 28 July 1999

I finally bought the longawaited CD!! It is great!! Seriously, I haven't really heard ALL the songs, but Track 20 is GREAT!! Comes with a photo booklet and stuff too! But not as many fast songs as the first album...sad...but hey, the album definitely showed how much they have matured over the year. click here to know more!

First Video: FEEL DA PUMP
Release date: 14 January 1998

Well, Singapore don't seem to be selling this I'm trying to get people to help me buy..not sucessful though...YET!! But how I wish they would produce one soon with all their MTVS!!! Let's keep hoping!

1st Stage Expression
Release date: 26 November 1998

My most precious item so far! =) Really great dancing by them in this VCD(also available on video tape)! How I wish they would come to Singapore for a concert! I will keep on praying! This VCD has all of Da Pump songs except a full version of Infinity - Sunset Beach -. However, it does have a "new" song in it which is From Summertime...It's All Right...! I fell in love with this song the moment I heard's so sweet, and the rapping is great! Anyway, did you know this was placed under "Best-Sellers" in Singapore HMV? It's great considering not many people know 'bout them as much as they know MAX or SPEED.

By the way, you're listening to "Love is the Final Liberty" Remix!

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