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[Synopsis] [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]

Synopsis of Return of the Maji

     A haunting message from the Dream Master calls five strangers and a Death Cat to the mystic city of Quasta. Believing the High One is responsible, they agree to her request. They are to find Ucenda, daughter to Tara the High One, and confirm her moral choice. Armed with mystic weapons, they travel to Mansdraw. There they are to see the face of Ucenda, and learn of her powers.
     Their guide prepared them for hunchens, Seers, and the agents for the Temple of Sharlaw. He was unable to prepare them for a specter or the Trackers' of Lost Souls. After their encounter with the apparitions Casaron, a User, is compelled to reestablish an ancient sect. And Girmer, an Aszian warrior, reluctantly accepts her ancestral duties.
     In Protto, a Teller of Dreams confirms Casaron's moral choice, and the Temple of Sharlaw learns of his rebirth. Casaron teleports his comrades outside Protto, where a battle of swords and psychic power takes place. After this battle, they enter Mansdraw.
     Avoiding Barnta, they escape assassination. The effects of spellbinding in the night sky tell them their evasion was temporary. Realizing Ucenda is among their pursuers, Casaron prepare for a battle of mystic and psychic domination. Meanwhile, his comrades defend themselves from Ucenda's mercenaries. Casaron confronting Ucenda is overpowered. Seeing the unconscious Maji, Girmer summons Tara.
     Ucenda intent on destroying Tara forgets everything else. Casaron regaining consciousness invokes five protective spheres. When Casaron dismisses the spheres, Ucenda attacks him.
     In protection of the Maji, Girmer uses her last arrow as a spear. The arrow becomes lodged in Ucenda's shoulder. Confused by the pain her immortal body should be immune to, she heeds Girmer's warning.
     As it was bestowed by the Supreme One in a millennium past, the Maji, their protectors, and Death Cats maintain the balance between Darcon and Canthija.

[Synopsis] [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]