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Ranking Requirments:
AdmiralMust have been 3 Star General for atleast 8 weeks. Requires a score of 230 and a bnet record of 220 games (210wins minimum). Must show Advanced level-headed leadership skills in all situations.
Star General (1-3)(First Star) Must have been Field Marshal for atleast 6 weeks. Requires a score of 180 and a bnet record of 170 games (255wins minimum). Requires at least 12 awards and you must do another special favor for the clan. Requires that you have recruited atleast 15 people. For each additional Star you must have an aditional 15 points to your score and 2 weeks between each one.
MajorMust have been Field Marshal for atleast 6 weeks. Requires a score of 160 and a bnet record of 150 games (135wins minimum), requires at least 10 awards. You must show good Leadership skills both in the game and out. Must be able to run clan in absence of higher officers.
Field MarshalMust have been 1st Lieutinant for atleast 5 weeks. Requires a score of 140 and a bnet record of 130 games (115wins minimum). Requires at least 8 awards, you must do another special favor for the clan. You must either actively participate in a Squad (whether Squad Leader of regular Squad Member) for 5 weeks.
1st LieutinantYou must have been 2nd Lieutinant for atleast 5 and a half weeks. Requires a score of 120 and a bnet record of atleast 110 games (75wins minimum). Requires at least 6 awards, and you must do another special favor for the clan. You must have recruited atleast 5 members. Must activley participate in a Squad for 2 weeks, and must be an effective Squad Leader for 3 weeks. (Or be a Squad Leader for 5 weeks - either way works)
2nd LieutinantThis rank and those above it may be refused to those who are found overly immature, unreliable or untrustworthy. Must have Captain for atleast 5 weeks. Requires a score of 100. You must have a bnet record of atleast played 90 games (65 wins minimum), requires at least 6 awards, you must do special favor for the clan. You must be able to effectivly lead a squad in combat and must be active in a squad for 5 weeks.
CaptainYou Must have been Sergant for atleast 4 weeks. Requires a minimum score of 80. You must have a bnet record of atleast 75 games (55wins minimum), requires at least 5 awards, u must do another special favor for the clan, you must have recruited atleast 5 members. You must be active in a squad for four weeks.
SergantYou Must have been Corporal for atleast 3 weeks. Requires a minimum score of 60. You must have played atleast 20 Clan games. Requires at least 2 awards, and uou must be an Active squadron member for another 3 weeks (after achieving Private)
CorporalYou Must have been Private for atleast 2 weeks. You must have a minimum score of 35. Your must have played atleast 25 games (Clan Games or not, 15wins minimum), requires at least one award. You must activley participate in a Squad for 2 weeks.
PrivateYou Must have been in the clan for atleast 2 weeks. You must atleast have a score of 15 and a total of 15 total games on your bnet record - win or loss (but not disconnect). Requires at least one award
GruntNo requirments, just join, this is the starting rank for our members.

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