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Welcome to the OHR Game Rating Source! Here you can submit your game to be rated, reviewed, or if you don't have a game, featured in the upcoming releases section. In addition, each week two new games are featured in the Game Spotlight. As of now I have no games. Click HERE to submit your game now, or look below for updates. :-)

Grand Opening!
Friday, March 30th 9:18 PM EST   Yoshi512
Welcome to my site! This is where all of the updates on this website will be posted from now on. If you've read the introduction above, you should know what the site is about. However, I would like to once again stress that I would be honored if anyone would submit their game to be rated, reviewed, etc. You can do that by clicking HERE. If you'd like to check out my Ohrrpgce game, then click HERE. -Moon Buggie :^)

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