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An Update, at Long Last!
Monday, June 18th 3:53 PM EST   Yoshi512
Well, here comes an udate :-). Anyway, this time it's a website review. This time, I've rated "Heracross' Tree," a new website made by If you like great pictures and immense effort, then make sure to check this website out. You can read its review by clicking HERE. There will be another review posted up shortly. Until then, this is Chansey signing out. ;) -Chansey
New Adventure Game!
Monday, February 5th 1:08 PM EST   Yoshi512
Well, it has been a long time since my last update. However, that is because I have been making a new Adventure Game. Although it is not a Pokemon game, believe me, it's well worth it! This time, I have made a Sailor Moon game. I know that many of you would say, "Oh man, I don't want to play that girly game!" (except if you are a girl, lol). But please, give it a chance. Once you get started, you won't stop. It's a lot more fun than it may seem. If you want to download it, click HERE. If you'd like to check out my Sailor Moon Site for more info, then click HERE. -Chansey :-)
New Pokemon of Week
Thursday, January 18th 7:43 PM EST   Yoshi512
Hey there! Sorry I havn't updated. Well, that all changed today. I have added a new Pokemon of the Week. This week is Jumpluff. If you have a suggestion of which pokemon to use for next week, then please tell me by e-mailing me at Yoshi512. Thanks! Remember, I will except and enjoy any comments and even criticisms! Have fun!-Chansey
Some Updates
Sunday, December 31st 11:49 AM EST   Yoshi512
Hello all! Well, I have added a frame to this page. It makes my site look like it is encased in a picture frame. Please E-mail me and tell me if you like it or not. Secondly, I have added snow! Now you can enjoy TPCE with a white touch! Still pending is my Johto Adventure game. I still need help with my game. If anyone knows anything about PHP please e-mail me and tell me if you can help! I will be updating throughout the day. Have fun and a very Happy New Years Eve!-Chansey
New Game, New Excitment!
Wednesday, December 27th 3:55 PM EST   Yoshi512
Hey everyone! First of all, I have done a new Pokemon of the Week. This time it features Togetic! Click HERE to go to it. Also, I have updated the Pokemon Crystal Pictures section. Click HERE to go to it. Now comes the second part of the news. Well everyone, the time has come. I hereby resign from full time work on the current Pokemon Adventure Game. Instead, I am creating a new one that takes place in Johto, 5 years from when Pokemon Gold/Silver took place. Some towns will look different, and others quite similar. However, I have just began and have only reached Cherrygrove. There is one problem that I have. I do not know how to make it so people can catch and own their own Pokemon. In the previous game, I decided what was going to happen and who you were going to start with and catch. I want this one to be somewhat like how Pokemon Village allows you to catch and choose your starting Pokemon. I think it has to do with using Cookies but I'm not sure. If anyone knows how to accomplish this task, then please contact and help me. If you can actually help, I will come to an agreement as to what you will get in return. I will do practically ANYTHING!!!! Thanks! -Chansey
It's The Holidays!
Friday, December 22nd 9:24 PM EST   Yoshi512
Hey everybody! I have updated and will be doing so frequently for the next week. This is because I'm on Winter Break. Anyway, I have added a new Pokemon to the Pokemon Gold/Silver "Pokemon of the Week" section. This week I have done a report on Shuckle. Click HERE to go to Shuckle's page. If you havn't noticed, I have made a new banner. So I don't exclude any religeous groups, I have said "Happy Holidays", not any title like Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Kwanza in particular. E-mail me and tell me what you think of it. That would be a great Holiday present for me. After all, I barely get any e-mails from the viewers of my site. Have fun! Oh, and in case I don't get a chance to wish you all a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah on their most important days,"Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, and Happy Hanukkah from me, at TPCE." -Chansey
A Sketchy Update!
Tuesday, November 7th 10:18 PM EST   Yoshi512
Hey everyone! Happy Election Day (or day off from school :0). Anyway, I have finally updated. I have decided to make a sort of "Pokemon Gold/Silver Pokedex" if you will. Every week I will feature a new g/s pokemon in the "Pokemon of Week Section" (under the Pokemon Gold/Silver catergory). After the week is up, I will add it to a pokedex page. This weeks feature pkmn is Smeargle! Be sure to check it out and see if you can top my Smeargle (I will constantly update the page)! Click HERE to go to it. Have fun!!!!! -Chansey
It's a Poké Halloween!
Sunday, October 30th 9:45 PM EST   Yoshi512
Hello out there. It is just 2 hours and 15 mins until October 31st, Halloween, and Pokémon has not taken a rest! It's still not too late to go out to your costume or party store and buy yourself a pokemon outfit. You can be Marril, Pikachu, Ash and many other characters. Also, because school has lightened up a bit I will be starting to really update my site again. However, I do need suggestions on what to do. If you want to tell me what I should add to my site, please e-mail me at with your comments, suggestions, or any information you might like to add. I'll be a 'waitin! -Chansey
A Lot of Updates
Sunday, October 8th 5:37 PM EST   Yoshi512
Well everyone. It is only 7 more days until Pokemon Gold/Silver is released in America. Anyway, I have added more gold/silver american names section (Click Here). Also, I have added the second part of the G/S walkthrough. Right now it doesn't have any pictures but it will soon. Finally I am getting a topsites tomorrow. It is the good kind that actually works (like animelab has). Be sure to join it when it comes out!!! Thanks!!! Have fun and don't forget to add my site to your favorites before you leave. P.S. the final version of the Pokemon Gold/Silver walkthrough will be done by 7:00 PM est tomorrow. :) -Chansey
A New Section on this Site!
Tuesday, October 3rd 7:15 AM EST   Yoshi512
Well I have made a new G/S section. I have made pokemon gold and silver it's own news section. The url is G/S News. It includes some of the best facts about the upcoming Pokemon Gold/Silver. I will reveal once everyday (I have told 2 today)! Enjoy!!! Don't forget to add this site to your favorites before you leave. -Chansey
It's Crystal Clear!!!
Saturday, September 30th 9:33 AM EST   Yoshi512
Hi everyone. As you may have already noticed because of the title of this update, I have finally updated the Pokemon Crystal section. Now you can find an actual picture from Pokemon Crystal! The other part of the update is, yeah, you guessed it, More American G/S names!!!! I have added about 3 or 4 more. Enjoy!!! Don't forget to add this site to your favorites before you leave. -Chansey
10 more names, Oh My!
Wednesday, September 28th 7:06 PM EST   Yoshi512
Hey everyone! It might be a little later than I expected but I did finally add the names of some new g/s pokemon. And I think I over did it. I have added 10, count 'em 10 new english pokemon names. I will be adding about 5 more tomorrow. To get in on all of the action simply go to my American Names section under the G/S Area on the left sidebar. Enjoy!!! -Chansey
More American G/S Names
Sunday, September 24th 1:26pm EST   Yoshi512
Well Pokemon Gold and Silver is only 22 days away! To celebrate it's coming I have added more American G/S names. I have added about 5 more. On top of that, I have added pictures for the g/s pokemon that you might not know by name. Now it is easier to recognize who the pokemon is in my american g/s names section. Have fun! Feel free to e-mail me feedback or corrections! -Chansey
A Funny Update!!!
Saturday, September 21st 6:56pm EST   Yoshi512
As the Pokemon gold/silver release comes closer all fans of it are looking for a sneek peek. That is why I think you should take a look at the updated version of the Gold/Silver American names section. I have added 5 new ones. Secondly I encourage all of you to check out the Poke Jokes section. I have added two new Gold/Silver jokes that are sure to turn that frown updide down! Have fun and don't forget to bookmark this site (Control + D) or add it to your favorites! -Chansey
A New Banner and More!
Saturday, September 16th 9:26pm EST   Yoshi512
Well only 30 days 'till Pokemon Gold/Silver comes out. As you may have noticed I have added a new banner to my site. It means that this site is the ultimate pokemon guide (that is not it's name). My site's official name is the Poke Center ExTrEmE. Huge news. Anyone who is going to the olympics (or is already there) should pick up a 9 card promotional set. It contains 9 Pikachu promo's, each in a different language. The birthday Pikachu is in English :). Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom and news)! -Chansey
It's a TCG World!
Tuesday, September 12th 8:38pm EST   Yoshi512
Hey everyone. School has been harsh but I am back to update. My first update I did was added another section. This section is the actual TCG cards deck section (not the one for GB). And, in that section I have a brand spanking new deck submitted by a pokemon fan. So make sure to check it out! The second update is right here. It is news. In news, specially designed "lugia vans" will be traveling to over 30 cities to give everyone a sneek peek at Pokemon gold and silver. It is said that pokemon gold/silver will beat the sales record for a video game since october 15 of a coulple years back. Be sure to reserve your copy! Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
More American G/S Names!
Friday, September 1st 10:02pm EST   Yoshi512
Hey I've made another update. It is an update that you'll definetaly be interested in. I have added more American Names for the G/S. It's not only American Pokemon names but places and people as well. As a sneek peek, Hassamu in Scizor. These are all names that are official by nintendo. I just found them out today, Sept. 1st in Nintendo Power Magazine. Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
A Cool Update!!
Thursday, August 31st 5:20pm EST   Yoshi512
Hello! I have started school. This was the reason for the lack of updates. But now that I am settled in I will be updating again. Today I have made a big update. It is about a future pokemon game to come out in America. It is called Pokemon Crystal. Read up on it in my Pokemon crystal info section to get more info on it. Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
Sailor Moon Site is Done!!!
Thursday, August 26th 9:23pm EST   Yoshi512
Hey everyone. The sailor moon site of mine is done and works now. Click HERE to go to it. Also...if you want to see what it has I have it in the Sailor Moon site updates. Enjoy it and feel free to give me feedback on how you like it. NOTE: if you've never heard of Sailor Moon, trust me you'll like it. Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
Sailor Moon! Here She Comes!
Thursday, August 24th 9:23pm EST   Yoshi512
Hey all you Pokemon fans out there. I am making a mini-website that will be part of this site. It is a Sailor Moon site. It will be connected to this site and you will be able to easily go back and forth between the Pokemon and Sailor Moon sites (of mine). It's like a new section (like Kirby) but on it's own page. If you have a Sailor Moon site and are interested in affiliating with mine (it will be up soon), then please e-mail me at Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
Wednesday, August 22nd 11:01pm EST   Yoshi512
Wow did I accomplish a lot today. The adventure game is now a lot longer! Or at least 8 minutes worth for all of the people out there who are really good at it. Ash loses but at the same time gains a companion. And, he is on his way to Fuchsia City! can now get your site rated under the Pokefun section. You will get a rating from 1-10, 10 being the best. If you haven't heard, I am going to start a contest. It has something to do with the Pokemon adventure game. If you would like to participate please e-mail me at I hope you like what I have done! Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
I'm Starting a Contest!
Friday, August 18th 10:20pm EST   Yoshi512
Hello everyone...I have decided to make a contest on my site. Sorry, their are no actual prizes. But, their is a reward. Your site will be put up on my contest winners page for a whole 4 days, or until the next contest. If you would like to participate in it (it's free) then contact me at and I will give you the details. By the way, I also updated the adventure game a bit and are going to do more right now! Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
Big Adventure Game Update!
Friday, August 18th 10:20pm EST   Yoshi512
You got it! I have updated the Pokemon adventure game a lot. You now catch a new pokemon and battle some old friends. I'm sorry for missing the time to go to the chatroom. The meeting will be rescheduled for Sunday, August 20th, 3:00pm est, and 12:00pm pt. If you can't get in my chat at that time just e-mail or IM me and tell me what time is good for you. I'll be glad to hear from all of you. By the way I have updated the Gym Heroes section. Have fun and don't forget to come back (especially for the chatroom)! -Chansey
Gym Heroes Holo Pics and Adventure Update!
Wednesday, August 16th 9:40am EST   Yoshi512
Hi everyone! I have added more pictures to the Gym Heroes Cards section. These four new cards are all holos, and all very good cards. The pictures include the Special Lt. Surges Raichu. It has the thunderbolt attack just like the Base set Zapdos has. Next I updated the adventure game a little. Enjoy...Thanks for visiting my site! Have fun and don't forget to come back! -Chansey
The Gym Heroes Link Works Now!
Tuesday, August 15th 11:25am EST   Yoshi512
Hello. Yesterday you may have noticed that the links in the Gym Heroes section didn't work. Now they do. It was a little error on my part. But now you can see some of the holos you will find in the Gym Heroes set. You will also find information on it. Enjoy...Thanks for visiting my site! Have fun and don't forget to come back! -Chansey
The Psychic Gym is Done!
Monday, August 14th 10:16pm EST   Yoshi512
Hey everyone. Big news! The Gym Heroes Set for Pokemon TCG is now released! To celebrate it's arrival, I have added a whole new section about it under TCG (the cards, not the GB). It contains Pictures of the Cards, and stunning info on it. I hope you enjoy it a lot. If you want me to put a list of the cards in the set then e-mail me at Thanks for visiting my site! Have fun and don't forget to come back! -Chansey
The Psychic Gym is Done!
Sunday, August 13th 8:20pm EST   Yoshi512
Well It took a lot of Hard work but it's finally done. Sabrina's Gym is finished in the Pokemon Adventure Game (adventure game). You can choose from 4 Pokemon to battle Sabrina! This, in my opinion is the best Gym ever made in my game. Also, The new Gym Leaders 1 set comes out tomorrow in most places. Enjoy them and my site! Have fun and don't forget to come back! -Chansey
Looking For Affiliates!
Thursday, August 10th 9:01pm EST   Yoshi512
Well I'm back from vacation and I have already updated a lot. For one thing the Pokemon Adventure Game is a lot farther than it was before. You can now choose Charizard as a Pokemon against Sabrina. The next most important thing is I am looking for affiliates. After just removing sites that didn't have my link on theirs I badly need them. So if you want to be my affiliate please e-mail me right away. Also, you can now get your own free e-mail address. It's at the bottom of the links section. Have fun and don't forget to come back! -Chansey
Adventure Game Update
Monday, August 7th 6:30pm EST   Yoshi512
Hello everyone. Now you can actually battle Sabrina. I have made this battle extra special because Sabrina is my favorite gym leader. There are special sounds too. Don't forget about the Mew Card Translation. By the way, it's retreat cost is two energy cards. Have fun and don't forget to come back! -Chansey
Sabrina, the Psychic Master!
Wednesday, August 2nd 7:14pm EST   Yoshi512
I have added an Ancient Mew Card Translation page under the TCG section. In other news, it is time to enter a world of Psychics, a world of sages, a world with...Sabrina. In the adventure game of coarse. By the way. PGZ Topsites is down and won't be coming back up for a while if ever! So if you have a site on it you might want to consider joining another topsites in addition to PGZ. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
On to Saffron City!
Sunday, July 30th 10:15pm EST   Yoshi512
Today the adventure game has taken a new leap. It has leaped into Saffron City! Finally in the Pokemon Adventure game you can get to the town of the Psychic master, Sabrina. There are also some exciting adventures before you get to the city. You should check it out. By the way, in most places, the new movie cards are all gone. :( Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
The Adventure Continues!
Monday, July 27th 10:45pm EST   Yoshi512
Well I have to say that I updated the adventure game even more than yesterday. A pleasant surprise to do with some firey lizard evolving is in store. I have also made some changes throughout the game. So, I beg all of you to play the game from the beginning. Don't forget to pick Charmander! Oh...the new Legendary Cards, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres, will be available instead of Mew at the showings of Pokemon the Movie 2000. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Adventure update and More!
Monday, July 25th 1:20pm EST   Yoshi512
Boy! I have sure done a lot today! For one thing I finally updated my Pokemon Adventure game! If you would like to be e-mailed whenever I update it then just tell me your s/n and I will. I also have a new Gold and Silver rom. This one unlike the other one is in 95% to 98% english! Next I updated the American GS pokemon names. And, last but not least I have added a Pokémon Stadium walkthrough that shows all of the pokémon your opponents will have and a strategy against them. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
News + Update
Monday, July 23th 10:36pm EST   Yoshi512
For one thing I added a NEW Walkthrough for Pokemon Stadium. It tells the pokemon and trainers you will have to face in each cup. I will be getting a new topsites soon. I also thought Pokemon the Movie 2000 was a blast!! By the way Mrs. Ketchum's name is Deelia. What a surprise.Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Chat, News section, and More GS!
Monday, July 19th 9:30pm EST   Yoshi512
Today has been not only another great day but a productive one online. I have added a news section that tells of recent news and upcoming events in the Pokémon World. Today's feature is Pokémon the Movie 2000 and Pokémon live. Next if you havn't already been in it I have added a Chatroom. Lastly I have updated the Gold and Silver American names section. The new name(s) are at the bottom of the list. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Promos and Games and Banners, oh my!
Monday, July 17th 7:39pm EST   Yoshi512
Well it's only 4 more days until Pokemon the Movie 2000 comes out. Anyway, I have added a TCG Promo section. It shows most of the promos already released in America. I have also made another button for someone. If you wan't your own then just ask. If you havn't noticed you can play Ping Pong on my site. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
FanFics and More!
Saturday, July 16th 12:00pm EST   Yoshi512
Today I have added a lot. For one tthing I have added a Fan Fics section. There is now Fanart that is available to see. Feel free to submit ssome of your own Pokemon Pictures. Next I have added a Pokemon TCG for GB decks section. It shows some of the decks that I use. Also, once again, feel free to submit your own decks. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
TCG Gameshark Codes-Updated Version
Saturday, July 14th 9:50pm EST   Yoshi512
I have added more sections to the Pokemon TCG for GB section. There is now a gameshark section which tells how to get every pokemon card in the game, even the mystery Mew and Venusaur card pop! cards. It also tells how to make the enemy's card always poisoned, paralyzed, confused, you name it! There is also a way to alwasy get heads. For TCG for GB I have also added a Deck page that shows decks I use. Feel free to submit a deck. And that's not all! Under the top of the poke fun section I have added a ping pong game. You can now play ping pong online! In other news, the SCOUNDRELL STILL has my layout. Feel free to send him an e-mail that says to take it off. I need all the support I can get. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Layout Stealer Found!
Saturday, July 13th 4:49pm EST   Yoshi512
It is now apparent to me that with the help of a fellow online person that someone has stole this latout. They are Now because of this I am forced to put up a right click block that can not be penetrated by someone like Squirtle54367. Anyway, I will be updating more tonight. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Kirby Section Completed +
Saturday, July 9th 6:30pm EST   Yoshi512
After strenuous hours I have finally finished the Kirby64 attack combo section. It now has every possible combo. That's not all I did. I got a guestbook. Feel free to sign or look at it. I have also fixed some errors on my page. Lastly, so far of coarse, I have joined PGZ Top sites. If you want to join a topsite I definetaly reccomend PGZ. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Vote Link Works Now!
Saturday, July 7th 8:21pm EST   Yoshi512
If you havn't noticed I have put a new banner up. This one contains Flareon and Vaporeon as you can see. I also just noticed that the vote for me link on the head links didn't work...but now it does so you are free to go to it. I have also added a Gold/Silver American pokemon names section. It shows all of the latest known american pokemon names. The Kirby attack combo page is updated more now. Be sure to visit it if you have need for it. Have fun!(don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
It's an SSI World!
Saturday, July 6th 7:53pm EST   Yoshi512
Some of you may have noticed that the Kirby64 section was missing for a day. Well that was because it got all messed up while changing my site to SSI. That means that I will be able to update more in a shorter amount of time. Some of you may not realize it but changing a site to SSI takes at least 2 hours! Anyway...I will be finishing the Kirby attack combo section tonight. I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun! (don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
Attack Combo is On!
Saturday, July 3rd 11:35pm EST   Yoshi512
After having to delete the previous Kirby Attack Combo Page I have finally added another one. This one has a lot more description than the other one did. I have also added the gold/silver attack list. It tells of almost all of the attacks, some with pics. If all of you havn't noticed I have a message board. If you would like to sign it is under the interaction section. If you have noticed there is now a price guide for the Basic Set 1st and 2nd editon holos. I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun! (don't forget to come back!) -Chansey
New Sections!
Saturday, July 1st 9:43pm EST   Yoshi512
I have added even more since I last wrote. For one thing there is a Gold/Silver attack list now. Some of the attacks have pics of them and all of them have attack power and a description. Next I added more to the Kirby section. I have added how to get more shards and a review. Have fun! -Chansey
I Updated More
Wednesday, June 28th 11:05pm EST   Yoshi512
I have done a lot in these past two days but havn't wrote an update box. For one thing I added a whole new Kirby section. Right now there is Kirby64 and more games to come. It is located right above the pokemon section. But remember the Pokemon section IS still there. I hope you like Kirby as much as I do (i mean Kirby is sort of like a pokemon). Have fun! -Chansey
I did a lot over this Morn.
Thursday, June 25th 9:57am EST   Yoshi512
It may be early but that doesn't mean I didn't stay up all night working. Okay. The roms section is now finished and ready for visitors. I have also added a Chansey's Theatre. If you haven't already checked it out the picture called "a Mindboggling Question" is now playing. It took me an hour and a half but I fixed every error on the site. Now if you are in the gold gameshark section only the gold gameshark section is in bold so you will definetely know where you are. I did a lot more of coarse. I updated the Pokemon Card GB pic of the week. There is a special pokemons pic that includes the letters, "m", "e", and "w". -Chansey P.S. Yesterday's updates are below today's.
And there is more!
Tuesday, June 24th 8:24pm EST   Yoshi512
Okay finally I have written what I have updated so far at a time that people can actually look at it. There's a lot today too. First of all I am now providing free e-mail addresses for anyone who wants it. Second of all I have added a javascript section. In it is the telephone, french translator, and a soon to come poll. In the telephone you can dial telephone #'s provided and find varios people like a fortune teller who tells your future. The french translator translates English to french. Lastly I have finally finished the gold/silver icons. It now has 152-251. Have fun! -Chansey

Gold/Silver Bash!
Sunday, June 18th 9:00pm EST   Yoshi512
Finally all of the gold/silver section links are done. I will be adding more though that my other layout didn't have. I hope you like what I've done!

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