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"Geophysics Department Student's Web Site"



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In this page we try to offer :

Real help to the students in order to maintain their work.

Soon we will put the solved sections and problems of the studied subjects,

and this will be for educational purposes only.

  Second year courses:

Courses (First Term)
               Course Name Time Practical Time Comments
Seismic 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours Geophysics
Gravity 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Magnetism 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Geothermal 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Structure Geology +  Metamorphic & Igneous Rocks 3 Hours Ö 4 Hours Geology
Partial Derivatives 2 Hours X ---------- Mathematics
Linear Algebra 2 Hours X ----------
Thermodynamics + Electromagnetic 3 Hours Ö 2 Hours Physics

Courses (Second Term)
                             Course Name Time Practical Time Comments
Electric Methods (Resistivity) 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours Geophysics
Radiometry 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Well Geophysics 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Rock Physics 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Stratigraphy +  Sedimentary Rocks +Geology of Egypt 3 Hours Ö 3 Hours Geology
Differential Equations 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours Mathematics
Nuclear, Atomic Physics + Electric Circuits 3 Hours Ö 4 Hours Physics
English 2 Hours X ----- English

  Third year courses:

Courses ( First Term)
                      Course Name Time Practical Time Comments
Seismic (Reflection Method) 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours Geophysics
Seismic (Refraction Method) 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Paleomagnetism 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Earthquakes (Seismology) 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Petroleum Geology + Hydrology 2 Hours Ö 4 Hours Geology
Numerical Analysis 2 Hours X ------- Mathematics
Electric circuits analysis + Electronics 1 Hours Ö 2 Hours Physics
German 2 Hours X ------- German

Courses ( Second Term)
                           Course Name Time Practical Time Comments
Field Seismic 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours Geophysics
Gravity Methods (Separation) 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Potential Field Methods 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Electromagnetic (Radar) 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours
Special Functions 2 Hours X ------ Mathematics
Integral Transforms 2 Hours X ------
Economic Geology + Rock Mechanics + Field Geology 2 Hours Ö 4 Hours Geology
Fluid Dynamics 2 Hours Ö 2 Hours Physics