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Web Quest - Evaluation






Teacher's Page

Instructional Plan

Photo of trophy

Have you and your partner convinced your group?  Did your group convince the class?  Has your invention truly had the greatest impact on communications?  Be convincing and thorough!  You may want to anticipate the impact of the other inventions and include why your invention is more important than the others.

Your presentation to the group be evaluated as follows:

Your PowerPoint slide show should have:

  • accurate content
  • good use of graphics
  • originality
  • logical sequence
  • accurate spelling and grammar
  • effective presentation

(See the rubric for further explanation)

You will also prepare a media release newspaper statement and a public relations pamphlet to report your class decision.

Your newspaper should have:

  • headings for articles and captions for pictures
  • spelling accuracy and good proofreading
  • graphics are clear and appropriate
  • good details in the articles

(See the rubric for further explanation)