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Web Quest - Introduction






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The Impact of Communication Technology in the 1800s

Can you imagine life without video games, telephones, cell phones, CD players, DVD players, VCR players, movies, music CDs, computers,  the Internet, the World Wide Web, printers, video cameras, and digital cameras? Technology is everywhere and used by everyone in today's society.  Many of the things we use today were initially created in the 1800s.  What invention from the 1800s has most changed the way you communicate today?  How has technology impacted our lives?

The Impact Tomorrow Foundation has decided to present an award for inventions that greatly affect the future.  The first award it will present will be given to the invention from the 1800s that has most impacted the way we communicate today.  The winner of this award, called the Impact Tomorrow award, will be decided by you and your classmates. 

Let's begin our investigation to determine the appropriate winner of the Impact Tomorrow award for the 1800s.