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 •Member Only•

ok so damon(CRiSiS/LiMiT/PsYchO^S][N) got a pretty bad virus on his comp so he will be out until he can get that fixed.

we still need more gamers, so if u got anyone u know that games, and is active, bring em in! 

Posted at 5:06  on 12/0802

k so i decided to remove all dls from this site to save bandwitdth. the d/ls will now only be available thru the members only section, so contact LiquidRain CRiSiS or Echo for the username and pw.

Updated members and Allies. Tourny dont look like its gonna get off the ground soon. we need more active gamers. if u got some friends on bnet who are gamers, bring em in, we need em. we will be making some New Members, full members soon, some will just be shitlisted, ause they joined and r never in channel. 

i got a new server for the site, and will probably end up using PHP-Nuke or sum variation of it for the new site. it wont be up for a while. i have to edit a bunch of shit, and break is almost over so, it will probably be about a month. 

Posted at 8:00 on 11/30/02

ok so im pretty pissed off now. just got owned on cs by a girl. she fucknig awped me. =/ if any of u wanna join a kick ass c0unter strike clan: server ip is: i donno if we r having tryouts now, but at least come and chill with ur boy liquid :)

not much goin on in sc i guess. i havent been on a lot, too busy playin cs.

Posted at 1:16 on 11/27/02

So the meeting went pretty good
         new members got the jist of the clan. SMOkED is now co leader wit me

Posted at 6:54 on 11/2302

This is a convo i had today with sum fuck who thought he was cool cause he charges money to make websites 25$ an hour my ass. who the fuck would pay that.
wHiTeY 11919: who is this?
UnDeRDoSe09: im a person who saw ur website
wHiTeY 11919: i know
wHiTeY 11919: i would like to tell the person who saw my website to fuck off and if they think they can do a better job
wHiTeY 11919: to go right ahear
wHiTeY 11919: =/
wHiTeY 11919: ok
UnDeRDoSe09: im a professional web designer
UnDeRDoSe09: i charge $25 an hour
wHiTeY 11919:bullshit
UnDeRDoSe09: think what you want
wHiTeY 11919: i dont care if u charge
wHiTeY 11919: i aint gonna pay shit for sum sc site
wHiTeY 11919: i know its shit for professional
wHiTeY 11919: thats why its on tripod
wHiTeY 11919:=/
UnDeRDoSe09: ...
wHiTeY 11919:so dont go dissen my work
wHiTeY 11919:and go screw a lemon
UnDeRDoSe09: ...
UnDeRDoSe09: learn more then make a site
UnDeRDoSe09 signed off at 11:00:54 PM. 

This guy tellin me to learn how to do a site. =/ first of all this dude is probably like 30 years old. and if hes that old why the fuck is he still on bnet what a loser. i shoulda told him to get a life. and if hes telilng a 14 year old  to learn more and then make a site, hes fuckin stoopid. 14 year olds have more important things to do likw hangout with friends or even hw/school. wut a fuckin looser.

the dude blocked me cause he couldnt deal with the pressure of shittalking. if this is you, u are banned from clan, if you are in it. 

Posted at 11:50 on 11/2202

updated members all members who were previously Trial Members, are now full fledged members. contact LiquiDrain or LiMiT(PsYcHo^S][n) to see wut pw to member only is. 

there might be a tournament this weekend if we can get nough ppl that would actually participate. click HERE to sign up. dont forget we are still at war with vA-

If you are a member that doesnt have AIM i would seriously recomend getting it. for it. its worth it and every1 has it.

Posted at 5:18 on 11/21/02

k a few ppl quit or were kicked out
     TraiL-quit-he said no one like him- Below is from TRAILS post not mine!, i edited it. i DID NOT quit fantasy.
Re: members,dls,bots etc.
« Reply #7 on: Today at 7:47pm »

Just wanted to let everyone know i quit the clan shortly after i was banned from the channel for calling ]{lik a dumass.
Reason 1: I get no respect from anyone
Reason 2: being a trial member, i have no privlages
Reason 3: Everyone Hates me

Im sure all of you will be better off without me, so goodbye ClaN FanTasY

Edit: From LiquidRain. Respect is like a miror, u give what u get, and vice versa. Trial members are basicly there to chill not to have any power, just to get ppl to like u, its only for a week. if u can do it for a week and u get voted in, then u get privalegs. not everyone hated u, just me
« Last Edit: Today at 7:54pm by LiquidRain »

 above taken from the forum >.<

and []D[][]V[][]D$$ jipped LiMiT(PsYcHo^S][n) so we kicked him out. he stole the name ]{LiK`RiSkeD`2, so if u wanted it, too bad -.-

Posted at 7:11 on 11/18/02

i was gettin sum heat about the dls and sum stuff bein weird so im takin it down for a few days to go thru each bot 1 by 1. :) so go sumwhere else to dl  

Posted at 8:50 on 11/17/02

we got n00b loaded on today by clan Convicted-. echo had sum fun banning them :). so now they are our enemies. war council do whatever you want to them. :) 

Posted at 4:20 on 11/16/02

i added sum d/ls and filled in the allies shit. the forum is up and shit. sum more members added. rules are up. member only dls will be up later today. 

Posted at 2:34 on 11/16/02

 Ok I got the new site up... as you can tell its a ton better than ])ar|{KeePeR's site cause ya know, its not geocities. lol. So Basics.

               •Channel: ClaN FanTasY
               •Backup: Clan FoRTuNe
               •Leaders: LiMiT(PsYcHo^S][n) and ])ar|{KeePeR
               •Webmaster: LiquidRain

Check out the rest of the pages for most of whats goin on

Later- LiquidRain
Posted at 9:24 on 11/15/02

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