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Roca Mia > U.S.A. > Texas

This is a tile background, which means you can make your page as wide as you need to without increasing the load time of your page. You'll need to use tables in HTML to make it wider than 600 pixels. Just specify the width of your table (in pixels because Netscape doesn't like percentages) or you can put an HR tag on the page with the width you want. Either one will work.

To save these graphics to your computer, right-click on the graphic, choose "Save picture as..." and name it. If you don't want the background to scroll with your text, put bgproperties="fixed" in your body tag.





bgcolor = DBDCF0
Font used for buttons: Aachen
Font color = 213A58

This table has a tile background, which can be saved like the other graphics on this page.

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