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P.O. Box 731 Columbia Falls, Montana 59912 (406) 387-9089
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."   Psalm 19:14

"Sean gratos los dichos de mi boca y la meditación de mi corazón delante de ti, Oh Jehová, roca mía, y redentormío."   Salmo 19.40

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Roca Mia > Tiled Backgrounds

Tiled backgrounds are simpler than the other sets. The advantage is that they load faster than the others and you can make your page as wide as you want to.

Techno - NEW
This has 2 sets of buttons, so will take longer to load.
Tile 2 (green) Iris
Fractal 1 Labor Day Texas
Eagle 2
This is a black and white set.
Harbor Seal  Moss
Silver Stripes - NEW
You can find more tiled backgrounds at our Christian Backgrounds site.

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