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Humanity has always held a fascination with space. As science advanced, we discovered that there was more that lies beyond Pluto and of the existence of such formations as Black Holes and Supernovas. Hubble has enabled us to take a more detailed and breathtaking view of galaxies and nebulae that has ever been possible. With spacecrafts such as Hubble, we are able to see what lies beyond our own galaxy and form more educated theories of how of galaxy came to exist. The currently accepted view is that innumerable galaxies compose one universe. Hubble is only beginning to show us the beauty of these foreign galaxies and how small our own galaxy is compared to the other galaxies in existence. This page includes four nebulae taken by the Hubble craft in various parts of the universe.
Click these links to find out more information: H II Region, NGC 1300, NGC 346, NGC 1999, and Hubble Table.
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